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Gabby didn't know how long she had to keep making excuses, the important thing was that she managed to avoid Michael. The girl was still not ready to see her friendship change.

During the day and after class was over, Gabby quickly bought a meal at the cafeteria. After that, she hurried back to the classroom and ate it quickly.

At exactly 1 pm, Gabby had sports class next. But since their coach was absent that day, they were allowed to do any activity. Finally, since the afternoon sun felt as if it could melt their skin, a group of students chose to return to class.

Turning left and right, Gabby climbed the stairs to the third floor. After only several steps, she suddenly felt her right wrist being pulled.


Gabby's body rolled back and she faced the broad chest of the boy. Her nose instantly inhaled the faint smell of mint.