Do you want to go out with me this weekend?

As far as Gabby knew, Michael's class ended at the same time as hers today. She tiptoed a little and peeked at the room on the second floor. The girl frowned when she didn't see Michael or his bag anywhere.

Where was Michael?

How come he came home first?

"Mr. Joko warned you but you still dare to come here. Hey, do you really have a plan to make Michael's reputation bad?"

Suddenly, a girl's voice came from Gabby's left. She turned and saw that Lidia was folding her arms in front of her chest, and her back was leaning against the wall.

Lidia's face looked like someone who was ready to humiliate Gabby in public.

Gabby frowned and suddenly realized something, "You reported the problem that day, huh!"

Lidia walked over to Gabby with a wry smile. "What about it? Why can't I report students doing something inappropriate on campus?"