Gabby is still the winner

"No," Gabby whispered, she tilted her head and the smile on her lips looked shy. "He came here himself."

"O…Oh, I see..." Bella's eyes widened in surprise, she raised her hands and closed her mouth. "Crazy, this is crazy. Oh my God...."

"Your face is red!" Bella suddenly shouted which resulted in Gabby closing her friend's mouth.

"Shh! Don't be so loud!" Gabby pushed Bella away. "Get over there and arrange the dry leaves."

"Me?" Bella looked away and looked at Michael from behind. "I don't want to!" She looked back at Gabby's face, "You go over there."

After saying that, Bella put some of the dry leaves on her lap to the ground. She stood up, patted her butt, and dashed away, leaving Gabby alone.

"Geez..." Gabby whispered incredulously. Finally, the girl stood up, gathered the dry leaves Bella had picked up and walked over to Michael.