Hug me

Michael's face initially looked tense, but now it immediately changed. The calm atmosphere inside the tent probably made the boy yawn. He stepped his feet and walked over to Gabby who was already asleep.

It had been a long time since he looked at Gabby's face with a sense of calm. Usually he saw the girl's face hurriedly or secretly.

Sometimes, Michael also had to hold back the urge to return Gabby's awkward smile. Since the incident with the girl rejecting him, he tried his best to suppress his love for her.

About 5 minutes later, Michael looked down and kissed Gabby on the forehead. Before the girl could change her sleeping style or, worse, open her eyes, Michael quickly got out of the tent.


When Gabby opened her eyes, the afternoon greeted her. Outside the tent, the sky was already orange, turning red. The sun had started to set and the sound of the crickets began to be heard.