A Daughter?

Felix had finished ordering his dream PC, buying a high tech monitor that is for gaming, and the lastest screen most, keyboard and headset, he also brought a huge digital iPad, he wanted to draw for a bit though, he sucks but either way everything could be practiced.

He also brought a set for streaming, though he doesn't want to use it, but meh who the hell cares, he just wanted to buy it, no reason it's his money after all.

He bought it with instant delivery, and now he is counting every second, he is really too excited, and so he tried to distract himself by playing on his old PC, but he was unsuccessful!

He has no choice but to use this Gashapon Machine again, well actually he really wanted to use it, currently he had 1055 Cash, just a little more to buy a Comics Studio, however he had no plan to buy it for now, he will eventually buy it later.

And now he took a deep breath and twisted the twister, and after that his Cash got deducted.

3x White Woods

"??? What the fuck is this? Wood? Well whatever let's twist it again, this is the first time I've gotten something useless."

And so several twists later.

1x Golden Hoe

3x Ancient Wood

1x Time Potion

5x Broze 

10x Black Powder

24x White Woods




Felix couldn't believe it, why is he so unlucky today?! He already used 500 cash already! But then he sighs, it pretty much makes sense, but what is this so called Time Potion? It's rather different from the rest, but he wouldn't get lucky all the time, so he decided to twist it for the last time.

1x Red Dragon Egg..



"Eh? Ehhh?!! Wtf! A Dragon egg really?!" He was dumbfounded, though he doesn't know how rare this Dragon egg is, but he knew most games out there considered Dragon rare or SSR, however he looked through the Dragon egg to see it's value.

1x Red Dragon Egg ( Value : Legendary )

( Details : Unhatched Red Dragon Egg, dragons are considered very few in the world, most of them are hiding in some secret cave or some ancient place, it's value is insane, however it is very hard to hatch there won't be a specific time, it could take weeks, months, years, decades or even centuries, but there is an exception, you need this so called Time Potion and use it on the Unhatched egg. )

"Oh...I guess I'm lucky!" He has this Time Potion, after that he puts the Dragon Egg I the table, and opens his backpack to use the Time Potion.

And now the Time Potion is in his right hand, he opened it and slowly poured it into the dragon egg, as the potion went to the Dragon Egg, the egg started to crack, it's hatching!

Felix expects to see a little draggy, however as the egg completely hatches. Felix got dumbfounded, instead of a little draggy, he saw a cute little girl with a size of his fist, the cute girl had a black horns on the both sides of her head.

She had a deep crimson hair, and a little red wings at her back and a cute dragon tail wiggling. She had sharp fangs along with her white teeth, the cute little girl yawned and she opened her eyes.

Her eyes were like rubies, and with a cat-like lines inside it, and it is truly a Dragon like, and the little girl said.

"Papa? Papa! I'm hungry! Give me food!"

Felix froze, what is this?! I became a father?! Oh no I'm still young! He panicked a little, and suddenly the little girl started to cry.

"Wahhh!! I'm hungry!!"

This time he panicked for real, he doesn't know what to feed her! He really doesn't need to worry about being heard or what because only he could hear her cries, however he really doesn't know what to feed her!

The little girl started to cry more loudly, that it was getting on his nerves, and suddenly had a guess 'Does she eat a beast? Ugh! Let's try.' he hurriedly opened the backpack and started to get those common grade beast cards.

He said, "Can you eat this?"

He showed the beast card to the little girl and her eyes brightened and shouted.

"Food! Papa give food! I'm hungry!"

It seems his guess was right! He took a deep breath of relief, and then he gave it all to the little girl, which is supposed to be his daughter.

The little started to eat happily, Felix could hear the cracking sounds of the cards, she was actually eating them like biscuits!

This is just his guess but, the rare the card, the faster she'll be full? That is just a wild guess but it's possible!

And after a few minutes, the little girl started to lick her lips, and patted her stomach and she had a bright smile on her face and said.

"I'm full!"

Felix looked at the beast card left, she actually ate half of them! Finally he calmed down himself and asked.


"Hmm? Papa what is it?"

Felix face sweats, he wasn't really used to being called papa! But still he felt good for some reason! Like look I have a cute daughter here! He continued

"Do you have a name?"

"Name? I don't! Papa give me one!"

Felix smiled and slowly said, "Very well then, your name will be…."

(A/N : Give a name!)


Morning Felix woke up rather early today, he remembered, he invited Christine to a coffee shop, and also he is in a good mood, because he isn't sleeping alone anymore, he had his daughter sleeping with him.

He thought 'Having a daughter is not bad at all! The problem is...she eats too much whatever I could hunt more later.'

Felix also had gotten his dream PC and he had a wild night yesterday, he played the games he liked with all of his heart, he played an RPG game that is a pay to win game.

At first in PvP he got bullied so bad, and he got enraged and he used his ultimate move, top up! He used up to 10,000$ the Creator must've been happy, his skills were above average to begin with, and he destroyed the people who bullied him, and they sent a lot of curses to him that he was a hacker or whatever.

Went you rich you win, well most of the games are they are pretty unfair for those who play free, and he took a bath and wear his casual outfit that he uses for everyday use, he only invited her not to Impress her, he still hasn't forgotten the fact that she treats him like a trash.

He isn't someone who holds a grudge, but he doesn't have a hobby of forgetting, and he finally is ready, he didn't forget to say his later to his daughter, this is the first time that he truly cares for someone other than his family, he doesn't treat her like a mere NPC, from the moment she called him father, she is no doubt his daughter, so he got to treasure her.

He went outside his room, and saw Christine who basically went all out, she had a heavy make up on her face, which he noticed with his Animated eyes, and he could also see her panicked mood, he smiled wryly and thought 'Seriously..why are you acting like this?'

He sighs and says, "Let's go."

Christine nodded, and smiled a little, and the two walked with a distance. Actually Christine wanted to move closer to him, but Felix would always move in big steps everytime she does, their atmosphere is kind of awkward.

Then they arrived at the nearest starbucks, and Felix went inside first and next is Christine, and Felix looked around to see if there was an empty table, and then he found one and went there.

Christine followed him, and the two sat on the opposite side. Felix looked through the menu and noticed the unusual quiet atmosphere, he sigh and opened his mouth and said.

"Take your order I'll pay."

"Uhmm..no I could do that on my own..well Ummm..why did you invite me on this D-date?"

Felix's face frowned and said, "Don't misunderstand me, it's not a date not at all I just invited you that's all."

Christine got dumbfounded and said, "Huh? T-then what is this exactly?"

"This? Nothing just an ordinary Invitation to drink, actually the thing from yesterday was just to tease you... however you took it seriously, how funny but as a man I don't want to humiliate you, especially when you're with a friend...let's say I'm just Interested whenever your coming or not and yep here we are."

The atmosphere, suddenly went cold and after a few moment, a Waiter arrived to take their orders, and he said, "I want this..hey what about you- "

He paused for a little, and ordered a milk with coffee for her, Christine's face was unusually dark, the atmosphere was getting colder every second.

And Christine opened her mouth and said, "That's your reason?"

Felix didn't bother to lie and said, "Yes, that's my reason."

She looked straight to him, and Felix could see her tears falling down in her face, Felix was stunned and thought 'Hey,hey... seriously? You're crying over that?!' he kept his mouth shut, and Christine continued.

"I thought, I thought you finally accepted me…"

"Hmm? Accepted you? What the heck are you talking about?"


Her voice contained anger, sorrow and shame, her shouts gained a lot of attention, there were many eyes looking at them, and Felix had dumbfounded and quickly calmed down and said.

"Okay, will you tone down for a bit?"

After a moment, his order arrived and then Felix started to drink the hot chocolate coffee, and said sarcastically.

"Liked me? Hahaha, what kind of joke is that? That's one of the funniest things I've heard all over this year, seriously! Pretty damn funny Christine! Seriously now?! Are you telling me this now?! Tell me is it because my appearance had changed into your type and now you say you liked me? If it was before i might as well believe it but now? Who are you trying to fool!"

Christine was about to speak, but Felix continued, "Those times that you treated me like trash, and now you're telling me you liked me? What kinda Bullshit is that? You're kidding right?"

Christine shakes her head and says, "No, it wasn't my intention, it was for you to notice me!"

Felix sneered, "For me to notice you? It could be in some other way, like being gentle not treating me like the lowest! Is THAT your intention for me to notice you?! If so congratulations! You successfully made me hate you!"

Christine got silent, while tears were falling in her face, instead it made him more annoyed than pity, seriously why now? His mood got ruined and he stood up and said.

"I think we're done here, I'm not in the mood to talk anymore."

He put the bill on the table, and immediately went outside, without finishing his coffee.

Christine felt like her heart was breaking, she muttered, "It's painful...I'm I that bad?"

Christine slowly stood up, and wiping her tears, and went outside with a terrible sensation in her heart, she really does like him a lot, it's just she doesn't know how to express it.

And now she is finally out of the shop, her lonely figure starts to fade in the eyes of the people inside the shop.

( END- )