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Felix pointed at himself and asked.

"Are you talking to me?"

The Akami look a like 3D girl nodded at Felix, and she smiled.

"Yes! I am talking to you."

Her weird Japanese slang while talking in English is extremely cute to Felix, it was really deadly that he couldn't help himself but wanted to hug the Akami looking girl.

But that isn't going to happen, because he doesn't have any balls to do so! Even if he didn't he wouldn't because that is extremely rude and would put him in an awkward spot, and also the risk of being labeled as a pervert and hated by the crowd plus the girl herself.

So he straight to the point, and he politely asked while scratching his head.

"Is there something you need from me?"

"Yes! I need…"

Felix shouted in his mind 'She needs me?!' but then her awkward english continued.

"To help me find me my friend!"

' she needs me to help her find her friend…' Felix got disappointed, but then he realized why was he disappointed? He regained his bearings and asked.

"Help you find your friend? I could help you but... first why don't you use your phone to contact her or him? Isn't that the fastest way?"

She shook her head, and then she pulled out her phone and she showed that her mobile was low battery.

Felix nodded in understanding, he decided to help her find her friend and said.

"Okay, I'll help you this time here use my phone to contact your friend, so that we could find your friend easily."

He gave her his phone, and she bowed at him. In Japanese culture they bow to give thanks or ask for forgiveness, but the girl is doing the former, thus she went and gently grabbed the phone in Felix's hand and she started to use it to contact her friend.

The phone started to connect, and then after a while it got connect and then a slightly better English slang than the girl is heard in the phone.

[ Hello? Who is this? ]

Felix thought 'Oh! Another japanese.' and then the girl excitedly said.


[ Ojou-sama?! Where are you?! Tell me where you are! ]

They were using Japanese, and Felix could understand some especially 'Ojou-sama' it was commonly used in a certain anime that has a rich girl!

But of course not all of Ojou is rich, it's just mostly, and then the girl that is using his phone continued to talk with the woman on the phone.

They were talking Japanese honestly. It sounds like sacred words in Felix's ears, he doesn't mind if their conversation lasts a whole day! It isn't everyday that you could hear a real life Japanese voice! Plus this girl has a pretty similar voice of a certain anime character.

After a few minutes of talking on the phone, the girl ended the call and she happily gave back the phone to Felix and smiled.

"Thank you!"

No to be precise what he heard is 'Sank Yu!' it was adorable! He calmed down himself and said.

"Your welcome? I guess I didn't do anything particular though!"

She shook her head and adorably said.

"No, it was helpful! Also I still need your help….!"

"Sure! What is it?"

"Ai-san told me that she is in a restaurant named Sushi House. I decided to go there instead of her finding me because it would take a long time for her to find me, but I don't know where the restaurant is!"

Felix thought 'Eh... isn't that Ai-san finding her is easier than her finding Ai-san?' he spoke truthfully.

"Isn't it easier for Ai-san to find you? Tell me truthfully are you perhaps lost?"

She froze and she awkwardly lowered her head and spoke in a voice that Felix could barely hear.

"Yes.. "

That's it! She is indeed lost! Felix's gaze is on the girl and he said.

"Whatever, you should have said that earlier, let's go to that restaurant that you speak of."

She straightened her posture and happily said.


Thus Felix started to walk and the girl followed, honestly he doesn't know where that Sushi house is either! What do you expect from a shut-in? But at least he is more familiar than the Japanese girl and could easily find that Sushi house.

While walking they talked quite a lot, and Felix got to know her name and it was Sakura, and suddenly after knowing that it gave him a 'Naruto' like vibes but that is just limited to him.

The talk continued to talk while walking, they had a lot of similar hobbies, and obviously it was watching anime, reading manga and light novels. It was easier to talk with her on that topic.

One was a Weeb and the other was an Otaku, they laughed together and even brought some ice cream in the way, since they were in a mall, In some outsider view they looked like a sweet couple having a fun date, which is not really.

They were finally outside the mall, and now their goal is to find the Sushi House, it wasn't that long after they found it.

Now they both went toward the Sushi House, the two went inside at the same time, they became friends in less than an hour, it is indeed true that you'll get along easily with somebody with the same hobbies!

As they are inside the restaurant. Felix accompanied Sakura because he doesn't know what Ai-san looks like.

After a full minute of following Sakura, she finally found Ai-san, she excitedly said.

"That's her!"

Felix looked at the last table in the restaurant, and then he saw this so-called Ai-san, she was a woman in her twenties, she was wearing a black hoodie, with a sky blue ripped jeans and black leather boots, she had a cold aura around her. It's even more clear in the eyes of Felix her 3D appearance is naturally cold.

She was tapping her fingers on the table, and worriedly looking at her phone, as if waiting for something, however also at that moment she stood up.

But before she could walk out of her table, her eyes went into Sakura and she shouted.


She rushed toward her, and suddenly hugged her tightly and said with an angry tone.

"Why did you suddenly leave me?! I didn't even notice that you were gone?! Do you know how worried I was?! Your family-"

She stopped her sentence midway, because she noticed the presence of Felix, and cautiously said.

"Who is this?"

Sakura temporarily forgot that she was scolded by Ai, then she excitedly introduced Felix.

"Ai-san! This is my err... friend? Yes! Friend! He helped me contact and find you!"

So looked suspiciously at Felix, with her stare he felt like he was a criminal being stared down by the police!

'Miss! I'm not suspicious! I'm truly not!' Felix thought in his mind, but he didn't dare to tell it aloud.

Ai was still looking suspiciously at Felix like he had sinned, and she finally said with her Japanese English slang.

"I thank you for helping Sakura! But please stay away from her from now on! Oh right for helping her…"

Ai went and opened her bag, and she wrote a check and gave it to Felix.

"There! 10,000$ now please go away!"

Felix looked blankly at the check that was in his hands, he felt humiliated, rage was slowly forming In his heart, he got angry.

Who the f*ck does she think she is?! Does she think I needed money?! F*CK!

His mood dropped, and then he tried to calm down for the sake of Sakura, he didn't lash out.

"I don't need it!"

He gave back the check, he was really irritated, but then Ai didn't believe him and said.

"It's not enough? Fine! I'll add more 10,000$!"

Sakura looked at Ai, she was a little angry at her attitude.

"Ai! What are you doing?!"

"Huh? Obviously I'm paying him to stay away from you!"

Ai looked at Felix and said.

"There's 20,000$! It should be enough right? Go away now!"

She forcefully gave the check into Felix's hand, and he just looked at her blankly and then he ripped the check apart.

" I look someone that needs money? If it's the case then you've underestimated me! I don't really understand why are putting a suspicious attitude at me, but whatever it's not like I care, Sakura sorry I have to go I couldn't stay any longer or else I don't really know what would I do with this B*tch! Here."

Felix left immediately. Ai couldn't say anything for a moment, and Sakura looked at her and angrily said.

"Ai! Why are you so mean to him?! He didn't do anything wrong! Seriously I hate you for that!"

Sakura left Ai, and she chased Felix, who was outside the restaurant. Ai was too late to stop Sakura from chasing Felix and she was all alone in the restaurant again.

( END- )