The Unreasonable Player Felix

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The two are currently near the apartment, none of them started a conversation because no one wants to start first!

The atmosphere is still awkward, the two of them are now at the second floor, and Christine finally decided to talk.

"Uhmm..I will put this in my room..I'll just ring your doorbell after I prepare.."

"Okay, but don't you dare to not go! If you do's not like it's new, do what you what you want and be untrustworth-"

Christine cut his word and shouted.

"I'm not! Just wait okay?!"

She was really hurt because Felix treated her as an untrustworthy person! She couldn't accept that she wasn't like that!

She left and went to her room, Felix looked at her room for a while then, he went inside in his room with a sigh.

"Well, whatever, hopefully she would come."



Christine loudly shuts her door, and she leans in her door and slowly, sliding and eventually sits down on the floor.

"Felix, they dummy! I'm I untrustworthy in his eyes?"

It made her really uncomfortable, she took a long sigh, and then suddenly she stood up, and with determined eyes.

"If that's what he thinks of me, then I'll change it today! Just you wait Felix I'll change your impression of me, and that, T-that you're going to realize that I liked…."

Her last sentence was said with a very low voice, walking through her room, and putting the plastic bag on the table.

Christine had to go all out at this moment! This was a golden chance for her! She hurriedly went to the bathroom to take a shower.

She said in her heart 'I'll show you Felix!'


Felix Room,

Felix was currently waiting for Christine to arrive, he knew that it would take a while for her to arrive or she'd never arrived at all.

He had already put Kanna in his bed, she was sleeping soundly, eversince she

got full she didn't wake up, after that he decided to play with his PC, for now it's been a while since he played that RPG where he bullied everyone.

As soon as he opened it, a lot of players noticed his arrival, he was one of the

Top 10 players in the game, and he became a top player solely because of his frequent top up.

He almost spent 100,000$ in this game, his entire play time in this game doesn't even exceed 24 hours yet, within that short span of time he became a level because of some extremely expensive exp potions.

But of course also because of VIP privilege he has already Max the limit of the VIP system, so as soon as he is online.

A Lot of handful players messaged him privately, mostly begging for recharge and guild invitation.

I mean who doesn't want a tycoon member? Those kinds will give a lot of benefits in their guild!

However Felix himself wasn't really interested in joining any guild, all he wanted was to have fun killing players.

This sense of superiority is really bothersome sometimes.

Felix teleported in the PK ground, he wanted to bully some players, but of course he didn't kill newbies or noobs, only those who had high level weapons.

A few minutes later, he already slaughtered an entire guild of players! How? About a few minutes ago also, a guild master of a top guild joined the PK group, and by a pure coincidence he met Felix, and destroyed him.

Thus this Guild Master was enraged and started to call his Guild members to the PK ground, and Felix welcomed it very much he enjoyed slaughtering those players.

So killing that he actually acquired a title called 'Unreasonable' but instead of hating it, he liked it instead! It was a title unique for him.

After a half hour of playing, finally his door rings. Felix knew that it was Christine, he didn't bother to change clothes, nor he prepared anything casual, nothing special.

He logged off at his game and shut downs the PC, he stood up and went straight to open the door.

As he did, he saw Christine graceful appearance, as he had an eyes different from the rest he could see how much effort she puts on her appearance, whenever it was make up or the clothes.

Also she smells nice. Felix thought 'Why is she so prepared? It's like she went all out completely…'

He looked at her for a while, and decided to praise her, he wasn't stringy.

"You look really beautiful Christine, come inside."

Christine's face started to blush, and she had a smiling expression in her face that she couldn't control, her heart was happily beating.

Felix could see it all, clearly he couldn't help but question himself 'Why was she Interested in me, in the first place? True I was rude to her before...but shouldn't she hate me for it instead?'

He realized that he couldn't understand this girl at all, Christine said.

"Thank you…"

Then she went inside his room shyly, though they live in the same apartment for almost a year, Christine hasn't really gone inside Felix's room.

She looked around in Felix 's room, it couldn't be more ordinary, she saw various kinds of anime posters in Felix's room.

And one poster gained her attention the most, and it was the poster of Re : One Alternative which is made by Felix himself.

She couldn't help but say.

"Hey isn't this one of the posters that was signed by the Creator of the movie? I heard that the original ones had a limited amount of 500."

Felix froze a little, and regained his cool and thought 'Well, naturally I signed it by myself after that she reminded me of it...a few days ago I tire myself to sign those 500 posters, which is a pain but it was also part of the Crunchyroll contract not like I had a choice to refuse.'

"Well, I guess I got lucky and got two myself."

Christine nodded, since she knew how hard to get it, honestly she wanted one herself, it wasn't a secret but she likes anime also, but she isn't willing to admit that she's a Weeb! Not at all.

But then she realized something and thought 'Wait did he just say he had 2?'

Felix looked at her for a while, and said.

"If you want the poster I can give the other one to you, I wouldn't be able to use the extra one anyways."

'Plus I can make myself an unlimited poster' he thought, after hearing Felix, she instantly looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

She looked at him, as if he said something unbelievable. Felix looked at him and said.

"What? I'm not giving it to you for free! I want you to exchange it to keep your mouth shut, about what happened an hour ago okay?"

Christine smiled, she realized that they were talking normally, without that awkwardness from before. Felix isn't ignoring her now.

"Okay, sure that will do. I promise to fulfill that."

She wasn't a fool, she wouldn't tell anybody about it ever, because once he found out that she spilled the beans, she would lose her only chance of getting closer to Felix!

She wouldn't want that, not after the things had finally calmed down for them, this time she had all the time.

"Well, since you've accepted my bargain, then...the purpose of you going here is done! You could now get out of here or …"

Christine froze when she heard Felix sending her out so early, not even a few minutes had passed and he was already kicking her? Isn't that extremely rude? She thought, however when she heard the Or she tried to keep her calm on what's his next sentence going to be.

"You could stay here and play PS4 with me, I'm kinda bored playing it alone."

'A chance!' Christine thought she wouldn't let this chance to get away!

"Okay! I'll stay here and play with you."

Felix nodded, and slightly smiled. He wanted to give her a chance, he wanted to know if she was being genuine of her feelings or not, and then he led her the way to the PS4.

( END- )

Okay I know I don't want too much conflict okay? Especially when the character is a girl!

I'm not too sure if I would add her in the harem, but certainly she is a potential candidate.

There will be a lot of characters in the future, so yeah you might as well change your minds.

Because I'll be making a lot of potential harem members, and the best 3-4 will survive!

To some readers there who complained about how Felix treated Christine, here is it that you wanted!