Spicy Meals

The two of them went to a Spicy Meal Restaurant, as it says they sell spicy foods. Felix didn't expect that Ai would like spicy foods?

He couldn't help but ask, "You like spicy foods? Because usually girls don't like Spicy stuff."

"No, I don't like Spicy stuff…"

"Huh…? Then?"

Ai continued, "I love them."

Felix couldn't help but say Ohhhhhh, honestly he kind of expected those words from her, but it's better to hear it by words.

They went inside the restaurant, and they were greeted by the waitress, after that the Waitress guided them to an empty table.

Felix looked around, and couldn't help but nod he was satisfied by it's cleanliness, though he was a shut-in he wasn't someone who takes a bath once a week, in the past he kept his daily hygiene.

In fact he cleans his room weekly, he wasn't a clean freak but he likes cleanliness, the two sat down at an empty table.

Ai suddenly spoke. "I'll pay for everything, just choose anything that you want to eat."

Felix shooks, his head he has the money it's better to use it, rather than not.

"No, I'll pay the bills after."

"No I'm the one who will pay the bill."

"No I am."

"No it's on me."

"I'll pay for it okay? Please I want to do this at least…!" Ai spoke seriously.

Felix stared at her face for a moment, and he sighs.

"Fine, okay? I'll let you pay...why do you even insist.." he mumbled the last sentence.

But nevertheless, she heard it, she paid no heed, at least this is what she could do so that she could pay him back for the rude actions that she did before.

Felix ordered something, he wasn't someone ignorant of such luxury foods, mainly because his family was rich.

Instead of picking the most expensive food, he chooses the ones that interest him the most regardless of the price!

In the end he chose Spicy Tofus and Spicy Special Meal, he had no idea what the Special Meal looked like, because it wasn't shown!

Felix decided to ask Ai, "So are you done choosing?"

She nodded, then Felix continued. "So what did you choose?"

"The Most Spicy Beef Stew and Abyss Spicy Ramen!"

Just by knowing the dishes' names, they absolutely sound spicy…

They waited for several minutes for their orders to be ready, after that their orders arrived.

And the dishes they ordered arrived, and the Spicy Special Meal wasn't bad, it was like mixed kinds of meats, with a spicy looking sauce.

He curiously looked at Ai's mean, as he saw it he exclaimed.

"Are you sure it's edible?!" Felix was speechless, the dishes on his opposite side were really... The fragrance was enough to tell that it's a very spicy dish!

The Beef Stew that Ai order, is god damn too red! What the hell did those chefs put there?!

Also the Abyss Spicy Ramen had a red soup that it's almost the same color as a human's blood! What the hell?! Felix could even see the fucking chilli floating in the soup!

Felix couldn't help but asked with concern. "Ai...are you sure you want to eat it? It looks... really spicy."

Ai nodded with a smile, "Don't worry it's edible, and like I said I love spicy stuffs"

"Alright...hope you are right with your decision, don't you cry if it's too spicy!"

Ai smiled and didn't say anything, she is naturally confident of herself when it comes to spicy foods!

They started to eat their meals, Felix used the fork to pierce the meat, he stared at it for a while.

The meat is filled with some kind of powder, no need to ask if it's obvious Chili's are reduced as powders!

Felix unhurriedly, swallowed the meat as it went to his mouth, his eyes widened 'Delicious! This could be the top ten of the best food I ever tasted! It's spiciness blended with the meat's heat, it's not too spicy, it's just right!'

Hence confirming that the Spicy Special Meal is delicious, he immediately enjoyed the meal.

Not long after, Felix almost finished all the meat inside the plate. He had to say this is the most fulfilling meal that he had this year!

He looked at Ai's condition, his eyes widened. Ai body was already filled with sweats, Instead affecting her overall appearance, she looked damn sexy instead!

Felix eyes were Specially in her cleavage, it was an erotic scene, no matter how hard he wants to look away his manly instinct, keep him watching.

While Ai was eating her ramen she realized that Felix was actually staring at a certain part of her body and then she realized that he was actually staring at her chest!

She immediately stopped eating, and immediately covered her chest so that Felix couldn't enjoy the view anymore!

Felix regained his senses, and immediately spoke.

"I can explain!"

Ai acted that she didn't hear him, and she slowly said while blushing.


It was already a miracle that she didn't scream! She only avoided getting eye contact with Felix!

Felix thought 'Damn! She's acting really cute right now! She's acting like a proper waifu!'

Their silence lasted, and few minutes and Felix couldn't bear this silent atmosphere anymore between him and Ai.

"Hey, I didn't mean it okay? It's just some manly instinct...even if I tried to look away I couldn't!"

Felix wanted to say 'I couldn't look away, because your too goddamn erotic!' but didn't say it because, it's definitely wrong in some ways.

Suddenly Ai said a totally unexpected question.

"Did you enjoy looking at it?"

"Eh? What kind of question is that?"

"Answer it, did you enjoy looking at it?"

Felix went silent for a while, if he lied the consequences of being found out is unknown, while being honest might be the best choice.

He decided to be honest, and be a real man.

"Yes, I enjoyed looking at your beautiful peaks." Felix said it with a straight face, even though he doesn't know why he didn't get embarrassed saying it.

"I see…" Ai smiled, and she continued.

"You're really a pervert aren't you? Let's continue to eat! This is just the beginning of our date!"

"Oh okay?" Felix wasn't sure, but he could feel Ai words were happy when she said those!

He didn't think anything about it anymore, and he continued to eat the Tofu.


After eating the two continued their date they went to an arcade playing some two player games. Felix was surprised to see that Ai was extremely good at gaming!

It wasn't that she's an expert, at first she was just a total noob, but then as she continued to play she had gotten used to the controls then she became a noob to a veteran!

Felix couldn't help but think 'Is this the legendary talent natural gamer?! I'm envious of such talent!'

As someone who forged his gaming skills through the years, he couldn't help but feel his years of experience were nothing compared to Ai!

Damn talent!

From fighting to shooting, to racing. Felix lost in every game, he wanted to complain! However when he saw Ai was enjoying it like a kid who got her new toys.

He decided not to complain anymore, her smile was worth it anyway! After playing the racing game.

Ai excitedly said, "I won!"

"Glad you enjoyed!" Felix sigh, he lost every time his confidence in his gaming skill shattered.

Ai smiled beautifully, and said. "I never thought that I could do something like this...all my life I've always been Cultivating and following Sakura…"

She looked at Felix with a smile, all her past impressions of him were gone, only the good ones remained, she was happy to be on this date.

"I've enjoyed having a date with you...but this will be our first and last date…" She had a smiling face, but her tone was sad.

Felix was silent for a moment, and said.

"Hey, what about the proof? Wanna take a picture now?"

"Ah! Yes I almost forgot!" Ai couldn't believe that she almost forgot about that! She was just having so much fun with Felix.

The two of them made a peace sign, and Ai took a picture using her camera.


Ai immediately looked at the picture on the phone with a smile, she would probably treasure this picture.

Felix was silent while looking at her, and he said.

"Let's continue?"

"Mhm! Let's continue." Ai is now comfortable with Felix now, she feels good whenever she would be in his presence, even she found it strange but there is something unique about Felix.

That she couldn't understand, but regardless she didn't really care that much. Their date continued.







They went to a lot of shops, and Ai enjoyed this date very much, but it was time for them to stop.

It was already past noon, they are now in the street waiting for a Taxi.

After for a moment, a Taxi arrived but before Ai could enter, she looked at Felix and spoke.

"It was really fun hanging out with you, first I thought that I would regret going on this so called date, but I guess it's the opposite….it was fun, this would be our first and last date...see you later I guess?" Ai smiled at Felix.

While Felix, suddenly scratched his head and sighed.

"Damn it, hey Ai...if you want we can go to another date you know?"

"Eh?" Ai didn't expect this response from him.

She asked to be sure, "T-then you're willing to go on another date with me?"

"More or less yes, do you really think that you're the only one who enjoyed our date?" He grinned.

He also didn't expect this outcome, he didn't think hanging out with her is fun, and not boring than he expected it to be.

Hearing Felix confirmation, she smiled and happily said.

"Okay! Then let's go to another date soon..is it okay?"

"Yeah, as long as I'm free." Felix thought 'I'm all the time though but, oh well it doesn't matter.'

"Mhm! I'll be sooner than you'd expect! Later Felix!" Ai went inside the Taxi, and it left as soon as she went inside.

Felix looked at the Taxi that is slowly getting further and further, he spoke.

"It was fun."

( END- )

Note first of all Ai doesn't like nor love Felix yet, it was just Ai feels free and unrestrained when she's with Felix and would show her unexpected side that even Sakura doesn't know.

Okay I missed a chapter yesterday yes, I'll update 2 Chapters tomorrow.