Chopping A Wood With Sword!

( Normal Quest : Bring x10 White Woods )




3 quests that had the same details, but he had one question!

"Hey Ummm…? How do I get these woods?"

The 4 of the NPCS looked at each, and looked at him with a confused expression.

"Obviously you cut trees!"

"Cut trees!"

"What else? You cut trees!"

"Isn't it obvious already?"

Felix replied, "No, no I mean which tree are you talking about?"

He wants to know whenever he needs to cut some trees that spawn like a beast or a real life tree?

Joseph answered him. "Of course that kind of tree!"

Joseph pointed his little finger into a tall tree near the park, Feliz realized that he needs to cut real trees!

That makes all clear to him now, however he couldn't cut trees in this area, because it's illegal, what he needs to do is travel to the nearest forest.







Half hour later,

He arrived at a small forest, it was time for him to cut some trees! Well not really cutting them just hitting will do.

Felix brought out his sword, he didn't bother to buy some axe! He looked around and saw an old tree.

He took his position, and he started to hit the tree!

Stab* stab*

Everytime he hits the tree he would receive a random kind of wood.

1x White Wood

1x Black Wood

1x White Wood

1x Golden Wood..




Now his inventory was filled with woods!

x20 Black Wood

x5 Ancient Wood

x3 Golden Wood

x31 White Wood




His quest is now complete! He just needed to bring this back into the playground. Felix left the forest without knowing that someone saw him hitting a tree with a silver sword!

The person who saw him was a streamer, her name was Jamaica, she wasn't a famous streamer but a decent one.

Her looks were about above average, so she doesn't really stand out in any way, originally she was going to stream in this forest to do a sight seeing.

However she didn't expect to meet someone in this place other than her! As she was about to ignore that person which is Felix.

She realized something unusual about his actions! Jamaica saw that this person isn't using an axe! But a real Sword instead!

Who does that these days?! She saw him keep hitting the tree with such force! Her steamer Instinct told her that if she uploads this online this will be a trend!

Her eyes lit up on such a brilliant idea! She sneakily started to take a video at Felix who is completely focused on chopping the tree!

It seems that he wouldn't stop any sooner. Felix had to thank God that his Chuunibyou disease didn't catch up! He didn't shout something like.

"Demonic Saint Slash!

"One Sword A Thousand Slash!"

And more super cringe names, after for a few minutes. Jamaica showed that they guy seemed to stop moving.

She saw that he had a satisfied expression on his face, and she thought 'Now that I've seen his face, I never knew this weird guy was such a hottie!'

After that Felix left, and it's a good thing that he didn't put his sword in his inventory yet, or else he'll be exposed!

After he left, Jamaica sighed in relief! Good thing that guy didn't seem to notice her! She had a wide smile on her face.

"With this video I'm going to be popular! I'll call it A Hottie practicing swords in the forest! Wait... that title seems wrong..! This one instead Shocking! A Real Swordsman! Yep that's better!"

Then Jamaica hurriedly left that forest, she couldn't wait to post it online!


Felix is already at the Park finishing his question, after he did his favority with the 3 female NPCS slightly increased, he didn't realize that there were such functions.

But it's good, they might give him more quests soon and he got 300 coins within a single day!

What's more, he didn't finish farming, he might as well go for 1,000 cash today with Kanna's help; it wouldn't be a problem.

He started to grind for more cash!





2 Days later,

The game is finally out! He couldn't wake to play it himself!

During those 2 Days he grinds cash like crazy, within just those 2 days his Cash is already 3,000!

As for his Status there isn't much change.

Name : Felix Jade

Age : 18

Height : 6'1

Weight : 76kg

Cultivation : Veteran Tier 3 (EXP 2088/10000)

Mana : N/A

It was getting harder to increase his Cultivation, but anyway it's not like he cares.

Regarding the Star Seed, he already planted it yesterday, it was still a seed, it didn't magically grow.

After he woke up, he didn't immediately go to the Game Company, he knew wouldn't run anyway, so he first took a bath, cooked a simple breakfast and finished.

Felix looked at the Pot in the table where he planted it. The seed was growing steadily and it already became a flower! At this rate it would bloom this afternoon or tomorrow!

He is curious what's inside the flower, but he wouldn't know until it blooms. After that he went through his PC, to check the 2 Tier game in the Game Company!

The Game Company had one option, it's to send it to his PC directly the original copy.

Now that the game is on his PC, he still has to install it. He didn't even have to wait for a few seconds, just one is enough, the game was ready to play!

He opened the game and he saw a familiar logo at the game. It was the same Logo as he added from before the Logo was Charlottes. It had neon colour as design, it seems that the Game Company upgraded it.

The original sucked, but this one is a lot better! Felix nodded in satisfaction!

After that he finally saw the game screen options.

New Game




The style of the letters is unusually creepy, it might be just his imagination but it looks absolutely weird and creepy.

But more importantly! Title is the Horror game is The Apartment Newstone!

That's literally the name of the apartment he is currently in! Not just that even the game screen image is the same of the Apartment! But it had this creepy game quality.

What the heck! If this is a Tier 2 Game, how amazing is the quality of the Tier 3?!

( END- )