murder after the sunset part I

a phase of the story has ended. but not yet, the story isn't over jet. it is not even midway. now back to the story. time has pass since the released of Rigoberto from prison. he is about to graduate from high school.

unlike other people. Rig is holding a huge rage since he left prison. he has been trying to let go of that rage while helping his father in the flower shop. helping his mother taking care of Amado. he keeps meeting with the Senator Stevens.

in the meantime Samuel Robbins is getting ready to get his revenge on Rig. he is even more infamous than his brother. he is more brutal. and unlike Jack. the younger brother never shows signs of regret. there is never guilt on his eyes.

Detective Brandon Williams is investigating many cases connected to the Fierro mafia. while he is sure that many of the bodies he has found were victims of Jack Robbins. a man that was murdered, when he attacked the man whom ended up killing him.

the detective is now in prison. he is in front of the father of the deceased. Detective Williams is trying to get information from the father. but the problem is that Mr. Robbins didn't had a good relationship with his son. he is also part of a different gang.

Detective Williams leaves with many questions. but with no answer jet. there is a trail that he has been following very closely, trying to prove to the other officers that the law can be accomplish. he is a seeker of justice with the desire to find the truth. and to bring any punishment to the wicked.

Detective Brandon Williams takes his job more serious than most. he is a man with a past that is closer to trauma, than to anything bright. he saw his father being murdered on daylight when he was a kid. jet no witness came forward.

the first case he took as a detective, was the case related to his father's death. he solve plenty of cases since then. he is the shield of justice. and the punishment that falls on all evil.

Detective Williams knows that he is just human. jet he has taken many risky steps on his workplace while on cases. now days he is more careful. he tries to avoid danger more than in the old days.

for the same reason that he is dedicated to his job. and that he is a workaholic. his wife left him five years ago. she took their child with her. he haven't seen either of them ever since that day. but he regrets nothing.


at the moment Rig is in a diner eating with Jordan. after Rigoberto was release, he met with Jordan by chance. ever since then Jordan has been working with Rig's dad. he also leaves close to them with all of his siblings.

Jordan seems to be uncomfortable with an awkward silence. it lasted until Rig tells him of his plans for the next day. they finish eating. Rig leaves the money in the table. then he leaves follow by Jordan.

they are walking on the dark streets with not much to do. they see a guy with a bat hitting another man. he is yielding that he is part of the Fierro mafia.

while he keeps yielding. Rig from behind stabs him on the neck with a pocket knife. before he can do anything. from in front Jordan stabs him in the throat with another pocket knife.

they drag the body out of the street. they find a dumpster were they put the body. then they leave quietly. Jordan is a bit scared. but he is following Rig grateful for the help he receives from Rig's father. Jordan does feel like doing this is wrong.

once they arrive at Rig's house. they take their clothes off and they put it in a bag. Rig hides the bags with the bloody clothes.

Jordan goes to the house next door. in there his siblings are awaiting. they are all covered of stains. it seems like they were trying to make something for Jordan to eat.

Jordan smiles at his siblings. he eats the food. he laughs and plays with them. he is thinking about stop helping Rig. he will never tell anybody. he feels respect for Rig, but he can't keep taking lives. he is not evil enough to not have a conscience.

back at his home. Rig eats with his family. he talks in private with Amado. he then hugs and thanks his father for everything. Rigoberto finally goes to his bed. he sleep smiling.


the next day.

Rig wakes up ready to go to school. his father called him. he went to the living room to meet Detective Brandon Williams, who wanted to talk with Rig about the Fierro mafia. but in the mind of Rig this wasn't a friendly visit. but the visit of a soon to be problem.

Rig smiles and he tries to be friendly with the Detective. Rigoberto is as cooperative as possible and polite. he feels so uncomfortable by just seen the Detective's face.

the Detective asks him many questions. Rig tries to answer the best way possible. Rig's mom offers some cookies to the detective. he accepts the cookies with a smile. he drinks a black coffee. he thanks them for the help. he stands up and leaves.

once the detective is gone. Rig feels how his body is sweating cold. he trembles thinking about the problem that the policeman will become. he tries to forget all about that Detective.

Rigoberto goes to school. he is walking. his school is about forty minutes away by walk. he doesn't care. he is only trying to think positive.

later on school. Rig is trying to concentrate on an assignment. while Rig is on it. he hears two of his classmates talking shit behind him. he looks at them.

one of them is Mickey, a kid who thinks is the shit. just because he is in the football team and at his side is Robin. this one is a sidekick whom doesn't know better than licking other's boots, or ass. just to make himself feel better. poor idiot with lack of any self esteem. pathetic and small both of them look.

at Rig's left is Mickey's girlfriend. Joan, she is a total whore, no offense given. he treats her like his little pet. but in fact she ain't loyal to that dick-brains. her pussy has tasted many more dicks without getting into details. even is probably now that she wants to know Rig on a physical level.

Joan looks at Rig. she smiles in a cute way trying to get his attention. Rig is trying to ignored that horny product of society. he is actually taking the class serious. he wants to graduate and be over with any type or form of school.

once the class is over Rig stands up. he takes his shit. he moves to his next class. before he is stopped by Mickey and his sidekicks. they are trying to scared him. but Rig has seen so much worst that he ain't scare of those buffoons.

"look gentleman. I have a class that I don't want to miss. and in this kind of situations I get anxious. to be honest, I don't want you to end up just like that streets criminal Jacky boy, nor like his lackeys. fun boys until they broke both on soul and body."

the guys step back terrified by those words. Mickey and Robin look at each other. they have teary eyes. they seem to be furious.

Rig looks at Joan. she has been staring at him for a while. she licks her lips. Rig walks towards Joan. he kisses her in front of them with so much passion and desire, that when he stops she is in shock. Rig walks away.

"take care of that girl, she is a great kisser."

Rig walks to his next class. he is afraid that he might got some STD from that girl, he thinks about going to the doctor just in case. just to make sure that everything is fine. is better to be sure, than to be sorry.

the next class is more calm. some guy keeps looking at him, like a kid looks at his favorite hero. to be honest that freaks out Rig. to think someone is looking at him with fanboy eyes. for the rest of the class he felt so damn uncomfortable.

"so this is what pretty girls feel like when the nerds look at them. not so bad, just a bit creepy. but I suppose I can get use to the attention."

ones the class was over, Rig felt that creepy guy following him again. he is looking at him like a total fanboy. this time Rig was so tired of the shit of others. he stops in the middle of the hallway. he wanted to face the fanboy.

"you, creepy fanboy. follow me, let's talk."

they go the boy's bathroom. it was the most private area on the whole school. it is the perfect place for a small conversation. Rig is ready to asks the questions.

"what do you want?"

"I admired your bravery. when you confronted your aggressors. how bravely you overpowered them just like that, just like a true hero."

Rig asks him about his name and age. there was something odd about this guy. well his whole appearance is a red flag. his creepy fanboy eyes are also a red flag. but Rig is the type of person who loves the praises.

"I am Martin. is a pleasure meeting you in person. I am sixteen, but because I am a smart egg I was able to jump two stairs up. not as impressive like taking down three villains by yourself. I want to be of help to you, to be at your side. I dream of purging this world from the scum in it."

at first Rig refuses the offer of the fanboy. but later he started to think that maybe Martin was right. that town needs to be cleaned from the scum living in it. without any worries about the consequences of their actions.

it was a deep idea that kept making him struggle to avoid. he told Martin that he will later tell him about his final answer. Rig kept thinking about that option for the next seven days. on those days he was between yes and no. he wanted to cleaned the streets of all scum like Jack. but he wanted to keep his family save from his actions.

finally Rig came to a conclusion. it is simple, it is easier to eliminate others. to erase the scum from the streets. he started to think of a way to bring justice to this rotten town. of course this wasn't a solo game. nor a game for fanboys.

so Rig decided to include Jordan in this one. of course Jordan accepted right away. after all he felt in debt with Rig for all the help he received.

now it was Rig & Jordan versus Inflictionville. no motherfucker could stop what was to come into this noisy town full of corruption and shadows of darkness.


back at Rig's home. he borrows his dad's computer to search for some local news that might give him the name of someone evil, for him to kill.

Jordan is okay with that. because he saw worst on prison. but this time he felt uneasy of thinking that he might need to take the life of someone. would he be able to do it? or maybe this is too much? those are questions killing him from inside.

Rig felt like in a prison in his own home. it is tiresome to deal with the affection of his loved ones. and to have a father that worries too much all the time. he feels suffocated with their eyes on him. it is uncomfortable to be loved so much.

Amado's presence was an extra weight on his shoulders. the fact that he needed to take care of Amado was too much for him. Rig kept asking himself, is this faith? or is this a punishment?

don't get me wrong. Rig loves his family. it is just that he hates to deal with someone else's shit. or when his family is doing more than being quiet. in Rig's mind the family is the reason why a man's success gets affected. a family can drag him into a hole.

Rig's slogan is, 'the function of a family is to be a pretty ornament.' or at least that is the ideal way a family functions on his mind. he might smile and all. but in reality he only cares about his own self. no one else matters more than him.

of course he loves to pretend that he is the perfect son, or brother. when all his affection towards his family is fake. he is a man with the brains. but empty in the inside. someone whom feels jealousy of those whom are able to feel love.

Rig hates it so much. but at the end of the day he can't do anything about it. that is the biggest reason why he is so full of hatred. because he can't feel like others do.

so if anyone asks. indeed Rig loves his family, just with a small detail. his love for his family is fake. Rig had pretended for too long. and now he feels conflicted with the idea of keeping loving them, or to be whom he actually is. an empty person with a great lack of emotions. a man full of wrath.