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21. destiny

ethan's pov

Ive been thinking about her a lot lately,... about us,the day when she broke down in front of me ,the way her past effects her and how many wounds are left behind along with it.i didn't know I was gonna be in this position, didn't know th-. That.... ezra was that close to her.

I can't seem to see those tears from her eyes,the guilt inside her...the way she is going through all this alone...It was my fault that Ezra is no more..and I can't man up tell her truth...the whole truth,.not when I feel this strong connection between us,the way I feel around her..the way sh-........ would she she leave me after knowing it?.... would she hate me?

my hands turn cold at the thought,I don't want to be left alone again....

I can't tell her ....coz my inner demons are too much for her to handle,

It would be the best if I keep my distance from her..coz the more I know her the more it would hurt to see her leave....and im already dying inside and that would be the last string...which I don't wanna trigger.my past is more then enough for me to handle.and I honestly don't want her think of me as some...

"ethyyy!!!!!! Mom's calling u down!" Says the Little george as he barges Into my room.

"Ok!ill be there" i say getting up from my bed and remove my headphones and see george looking at me with expecting eyes and folded arms...as if he's waiting for something.

Oh!! I know what it is!......but for now let's just Play along.

I get up and pass by him.

"Huh!!!??thats it?...you don't have anything else to say?"

George asks pouting

"Umm??I do??.....oh yes!! I still have to beat your ass for breaking my phone screen...but I'm in no mood so next time."

I say as I move down stairs.he comes behind me stomping his legs harshly on the floor.

"You are mean!!!!"he says pushing me out of his way and tries runs down with sad face.

But I grab him by his stomach and lift him up in my arms..,he starts protesting.throwing his hands at me.

"Yaa!!you!jiggly rat, stop wriggling" I hold him tightly and take him back to my room.i make him sit on the bed

He has a pouted angry face, his hands folded in front of him.

"Ok! Now be a good boy and do me a favour! Open the drawer beside you and hand me the thing in it!" I say sitting in front of him.

"You wish dude!!" He says and gets up to leave.

"Yahh!! Do as I say!"I say holding the collar of his sweater with my finger making him sit in his place.

He looks at me with a frown "I won't do it coz you are soo.."

"Please?" I say blinking

He rolls his eyes and opens the drawer with bored face,but turns to me suddenly with wide eyes!!!!!!! with all cheerful face.

"You knew it all along!!!?"he says giggling taking the thing out in his hand and scanning it!

"Afcorse I k-" I couldn't complete my sentence he engulfs me in a sweet hug squeezing me.

"Happy Birthday my little peanut!"

I say holding him tightly swaying him smiling.

"Thanks ethyyyiiee!!"he says chuckling holding his new Ironman toy close to his chest.

"How did you know I wanted this?" He asks opening the package excited

"Seriously? How do I know? You used gawk at the tv adds like hungry lion stares at meat,every time it showed up." I say

"Oh!! Afterall your not that big of an idiot!!huh ethan?" a voice says from the open door.

I look at the figure, with mouth agape. As she says

"Happy birthday george!!!" He gets off the bed and hugs her a she gives him a choclate pack

"Thank you so much adley!"

"What are you doing here!! You are not coming to the college farewell?" She asks raising a brow To me.

"I should ask you that!..what are you doing here?" I ask🤨

"I came here to wish George happy birthday and thought u might want to cope along to the university with me"

"I don't want to come to the farewell function"I say blankly

"ethan! That's so mean!, adley came all the way to pick you,and ur refusing her?,I insist you should go.your University is gonna be over soon, spend some good time with everyone" my aunt says coming out of nowhere.

"That's boring a-i"

"You don't wanna see me perform?" She asks with puppy eyes

"Yaa!! ethyyy!! Its bad to let girls down! as u used to say..Just go!" George says, smiling at adley.

I glare at the child "you don't take their side or give me the ironman back"I say trying to take the toy away.

He quickly dodges me runs away showing his tongue to me.😛

"Come na ? its gonna be fun" adley says hopefully

I sigh as I say

"But I'm not even ready yet,your gonna be late"

"No problem, adley c'mon down you can have something down until he freshens up"

"Ok!! don't be late jungkook,I'm waiting!" She says and goes with aunt winking at me.

Wait she winked at me...ahh! This girl


I go down after I get ready ,looking quite presentable.

I see aunt and adley decorating the cake in the kitchen and geroge is busy stuffing his face with cake toppings.

"I'm ready! Let's go!" I say

They all look at me and smile

"Never saw you looking this good before,you should dress up like this more often , right adley?" my aunt says

"Um yeahh!! You lo- look pretty ho- HANDSOME!.. hehe"she says chuckling nervously.as her eyes go wide.

I try to hold back the smile

"Ok! I'm ready let's leave!and Aunty I'll be here by evening I guess"

"Oh!ok!!have fun children"she says and we Both leave.


The farewell hall is crowded,the performances and speeches had already begun.i was all good sitting here until Adley had to go backstage for something.

I don't know what for..,her performance had still a lot of time before it starts.

She gives me 'I'm sorry I need to go' face and goes back stage as I assure her it was fine.

She waves me good bye as I wish her goodluck for her performance.

Adley's pov

I feel really bad for leaving ethan alone like that,he doesn't even have a company with him.he'll Get alone.

I hurry up to our dance team.the teachers are roaming in the backstage all tensed up.i sense they got a problem.

"What's up? why's does everyone look so tensed!"i ask slowly.

Teacher turns to me quickly making his way to me "thank god Adley you are here! We got a problem over here!"

I frown seeing everyone's expression.

"What's happening?"I ask looking around

Mr jonas sits on a chair with both his hands on his head

"Eric! Got involved in this accident yesterday,and he is under police for investigation and stuff" he says

I stare at him.... what?

"Seriously? Is it serious? I mean..was it a big accident?"

"Afcorse it is a big accident! The motarcyclist he hit, his condition is serious in ICU"

I stare at him with bewildered face.

"He was under liquor influence,he is gonna get the jail for a long time if something happens to the victim"he says with a sorrowful face.

"I- thats really sad to hear! "

"He ruined his whole life! These teenagers get under influence of this bad stuff like liquor and drugs and ruin their lives along with others,thats so irresponsible"

I hear door shrieking, suggesting someone's entrance.i turn to find samuel who is unaware of what's happening.

"Mr Jones, we need the signatures of your students who are performing today!"

The teacher looks my way,.."we can't cancel this performance,the performance by the seniors is a very important part of the function ,we can't let everyone know about this, it'd be a whole mess for the university as well as for him..we need to think of something"

Everyone nods to him agreeing, Eric was one among the best dancers of our classes....its hard to match his standards at dancing.....

"What's with cancelling the performance thing? I don't understand what's happening?" Samuel asks nudging me

..... wait! He was one among the best dancers,I look at samuel who is looking like a lost child ,not knowing whats happening.

He was at the hall all time during our practice,so it won't be hard for him to perform with me.

"I know exactly what to do!!" I say as everyone looks at me

I grab samuel by his wrist and take him towards the practice hall outside.

"Hey!! What's wrong, where are you dragging me?"

I explain him everything whats happening

".....so we need your help!... you know the moves and all right as you were there always and also because you are one of the bestest dancers in our academy...it won't be hard for you" i ask

He lets out a heavy sigh

"Thats a lot to take in!! But I get what your talking about!! But I need to do rehearsals before going on stage,and I'm ok with joining you on stage!"

Relief washes over me.

"Afc! We'll do rehearsals before we got more then 4 hrs before our turn comes" he nods and smiles at me."I'll do my best" he says

I hug him tightly! "Thank you! I'll just be back,I'll inform everyone about Eric's replacement to you!" He nods


ethan's pov

Adley hasn't returned since 2hrs now, she might be busy with her performance rehearsals

But it kinda feels lonely without her and her chatter mouth.

I look around and see couple clinging into eachother,and eating each others faces.

Adley is clingy! I agree..but she is different kinda clingy.

Would she like it if I held her?..I smile at the thought.how it would feel if I can see her everyday laughing and smiling in my arms, securely.

But my smile drops at the thought of yesterday's incident.

I shake my head,"no! I need to stay away from her!its for our own sake!"

But little did I know our destiny had different plans for us!
