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24.you mean something to me

Standing on the roof top,breeze hitting my face and flying my hair.i close my eyes as I feel a pair of arms wrap around my eyes.i know this coco scent ,I turn around with still her hands on my eyes as I face her.with closed eyes

"Afcourse !I know it's you ezz!" I say

"You got me!"she giggles letting me go,as she rubs her hands together because of cold.

We both stand by eachother,looking down from the building.

"You said you'd never leave my side!" She says all of a sudden

I frown as I look towards her,her bright face now looking sad and gloomy.

"Wh-what are you saying?"

"I trusted You!"


"Please don't let me down this time....please!" She says holding my hand with both of hers

"What are you talking about?" I ask getting scared.

"Never let go! ...Just remember never let go!" She says trembling holding my hand...

"EZZZ!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHHA,dear GOD!!"

With that she jumps off the building,my hands as only support who is holding her from falling. She hanging with support of my arms.i try my best to pull her up.

I can't understand whats happening. I'm shouting like crazy for help.my vision turned blurry.my hands are staring from her weight.

"Hold tight!" She says

some tears fall of my eyes clearing my sight, but chills run down my spine from what I see next.

The per-person hanging on the building, holding my hand isnt Ezra not anymore.

My blood turns cold, he looks as if he has nothing to live for.

The guy who I know,the guy who I thought we shared something special,the guy i kissed.....is dangling between life and death.and and I'm the only support and hope.

My mind is so fucked up that i cant understand the situation I am in.

I feel something slipping off my hands,the weight reducing from arms. I'm still lost in my trance.

"You said you won't let go!" He says as my tear hits his face and his hands completely slips out of my hold and he goes flying to the ground



My heart beating in my ears,my eyes gone wide....he falls with a loud thud,people gathering around him as blood pool surrounds him.

But the haunting smile still on his face,as his stare bores at me.

I jolt away backwards from the sight..

"What did I do what did I do what did I do " keeps ringing in my head.

I leave out a nerve wrecking cry at the fact that I can't see him again,his wonderful smile,his humours taunts,I can't hug him like we did before,I lost georges ethy!...

I run down with bolting speed, where I see his body lying lifeless,I lift him up and put him on my lap,shaking him...."talk to me pls!!! Idiot!!!...Talk !!you can't leave me like Ezra did,I won't let you!!! Or take me with you please!!!ahaha" I mourn holding him tight to me,my face smeared with his blood. His body already turning cold.

I can't believe I can't feel his warmth anymore,the eyes which showed love and adoration gleaming guilt and betrayal now.

"No!!!! This cant be ,what was my fault! That I talked to you,or was it that I felt connected to you tell me my fault!!!? Then why are hurting me this way"

This too much for me to handle.i can't stand another loved one leaving my side this brutally, especially not him...my heart rising and falling,tears are no where near to stoping.the ghosting smile of his....I can't see this anymore....

I kiss his forehead,laying my head on his as I cry loudly

"Come back! Please come back!"


I hit my face with chill water,as I look at my reflection.my breathing still fast from the dream.

I throw all the things down on the cabinet, because of how disturbed I was.

Why is this happening?,why am I getting these dreams about Ethan,he looks fine but these....am I loosing my mental state?

Or the truth is something else?!.....

I pull my hairs because of the headache I'm having right now.

I run back to my room,open my first drawers and takeout my anti deppresents out.....but stop before Gulping them

' promise me you won't eat these?"

I remember Ethan's words. My hands are trembling...I look at them again.

I throw the pill box out if my eyes as I lay on the bed.

I smile makes its way to my face, for the first time I feel cared. I feel there is someone I can realy on.

Its 12.03 at night when my phone rings.

'who can be calling me at this time at night?"

I pick up any ways.

"Um! Hey! Adley! " Its ethan? I check the I'd again

"Yea! It is" I say

"I- I hope I didn't bother you!."

"No! Not at all,I wasn't sleepy anyways"

"You too?"

"You too?" I repeat

"Haha! Yea! Me too, i- I'm actually sorry for leaving u like that today evening after yo-you know..."

I clear my throat.." um yea! Thats fine"

"No! Its not! It was dark and I shouldn't have left you alone like that...i-"

"Thats tottaly fine,I'm ok!and Im safe so no worries!"


We both go silent for a while....none talks.....its so awkward

"I e-"

"No! Wait! Ok I wanted to tell you this....let me just get this out of head or I won't be sleep all night" he says

I could sense the nervousness he had...but boy I was freaking out like hell.......what it can be?.

"Yea! I'm all ears!"i say

"U know about!the kiss,it was not out of nowhere..u- I ...uf. I just wanted you to know that I wanted to and it was intended...not a mistake or smth..ok!?....and I wanted to know if u think it was- a mistake .," He says hesitating

"No!! Its was not! I liked it!"

I flush at my words that left my mouth!!!I'm scream internally!!as he Snickers from the other side.

"Just so you know! You mean something to me!..."

I hide my phone under the pillow as I leave out a squeal....I'm smiling like crazy....I take my phone out after calming myself down..

"Um adley?"

"Yeah!! Thats a realif!....andi- " wait what am I saying..

"No! I wasisiaootryna"

"Listen adley! I don't want you to freak out!...but you know tomorrow or you can call today as it's already 12 past...is kinda special day...and i wanted to t-...I can't talk all this on my phone...so would it be alright if i comeover tomorrow?" He asks expectedly.

"Sure! Anytime."

"Ok! Huff!" He breaths out as if a weight has been loaded down from his shoulder.

"Thank you for listening!"

"No bother!"

"Good night!" I say

"Take care" he says making heart go boom boom...

And he cuts the call....aishhhhh! I fall down on the bed rolling..tomm is gonna be a one fine day.

MY phone rings again showing a notification message sent by ethan.

I open it to see my picture,he took at his house when I slept im his room, when I visited his aunt's house

My hairs looked messy falling on my eyes and face,my long eyelashes not visible much,my face looks a bit puffy, my head resting on my hands and pillows hiding my chin abit,my lips pouted out as im lost in my dreamland. I look peaceful. Hugging the blanket close to me.

I smile as I see the entire message.


Ethan: that's one lucky blanket,getting squashed.😆

Ill See you in Dreamland.❤️
