Bean Sprout and Pea Shoot

I feel Fluttering Bird fuming beside me at what the minister's wife had said in her fit of pique.

"Don't take it to heart," I tell her, patting her arm. "She's only repeating what she has heard others say. Don't report the insult. I want to see what the couple will do and how they will resolve their problems. They might become strong pillars for the Emperor's court one day. Then again, they might not. It will depend upon whether they have someone to mentor and guide them or not."

"Do you think his Imperial Majesty will promote the minister?" Fluttering Bird asks.

"Yes, eventually, although if he does so, the minister and his wife will both require serious mentoring and teaching," I say, sitting at my desk and preparing my inks. "I want greens, yellows, red and that bluish purple colour," I point for Fluttering Bird to help me.

"What will you paint?"

"Companion plants growing together on a support. We can ask his Imperial Majesty and her Imperial Serenity to write the couplets. That way, even if he decides not to promote the minister, the young man will receive sufficient reward for his deeds."

"My Lady, you are so clever."

"Not really. I'm just lazy to bother with this couple anymore. It's not my problem."

"What have you named them?"

"Bean Sprout and Pea Shoot," I reply, bringing my brush to the paper.

After half an hour, I hold up the painting and glance at the eunuch behind Fluttering Bird.

"Bouncer, you heard everything that happened and that I said?" the eunuch bobs up and down in acknowledgement. "Run and tell his Imperial Majesty my plans. Fluttering Bird, you send this to her Imperial Serenity and give her my observations. Ask her to write the first half of the couplet later when she meets the young lady. Please also tell her I'm tired and I wish to excuse myself from joining the tea with her and the minister's wife. After she has written the first half of the couplet, send the painting to his Imperial Majesty to complete the couplet. Bouncer, you run and inform his Imperial Majesty of my report and the painting that will arrive later."

Both Bouncer and Fluttering Bird repeat what they will report, while I correct them. When I am satisfied and the painting is sufficiently dry, the two leave.

I quite like Bouncer. His Imperial Majesty had sent him to help my girls manage things in the palace. He only talks when needed and is careful in what he does. Besides my two girls and two little friends, he is my next favourite attendant. I know he reports everything to the Emperor but I have nothing to hide.

The Empress has a spy in my palace too. I don't like the nagging old lady so much. I call her Nanny Nag. She doesn't much like my nickname for her but she is indispensable when it comes to formalities and the proper way of doing things. When there isn't much need for her expertise, I let her nag the children and new servants in the classroom on etiquette, culture and behaviour. I have a feeling the children like her about as much as I do.

In the meantime, I wave Swaying Blossoms to accompany me to see how the couple are doing.

"Did you see what happened while I was painting inside?" I ask her.

"They argued a lot at first and have only just started to cool down," Swaying Blossoms tells me. "The eunuchs and maids that will guide them to their separate meetings with the Imperial Majesty and Imperial Serenity have just arrived."

"Good timing," I paste a smile on my face. "Bean Sprout, Pea Shoot, the eunuchs and maids that will lead you to your meetings with his Imperial Majesty and her Imperial Serenity have arrived. We should head on over now, so that you don't keep anyone waiting. Did you both manage to have a good chat?"

"Yes, we did," the young minister bows together with his wife. "We apologise for our lack of manners earlier. We have taken the Princess' advice into consideration and will change our ways."

"Oh, don't just take my word for it," I sat, nodding to them. "I barely know you. It is better if you contemplate and understand where you went wrong yourselves or seek the advice of your elders. Of course you'd be upset if I mentioned personal things that you felt were crossing the line. I apologise for my lack of courtesy."

"No, no, not at all," the young minister protests. "The Princess is wise. The Princess is wise."

"Have a good day," I farewell them, leaning on Swaying Blossoms. "Take me back to my room," I tell her. "I'm so tired."

The minister's wife glances back at me when I pause to look down at the pond of golden carp. I cast a look at her and then rubbing my head, let Swaying Blossoms help me return to my room.

In the evening, I hear from Bouncer what his Imperial Majesty decided to do. The names I gave to the couple were granted them as titles and rumour was that people thought that the titles were somewhat embarrassing. The minister was not promoted but he was sent to serve under one of his Imperial Majesty's experienced ministers, while the young man's wife was ordered to assist the wife of the experienced minister.

The couplet the Imperial couple came up with was sweet. It speaks of lifelong companions growing old together, sharing joy and pain. I wonder if Bean Sprout and Pea Shoot are happy to have something like that gifted to them by the Emperor and Empress.

"His Imperial Majesty was very smug afterward," Bouncer tells me. "He sends his thanks for helping him find a way of solving this problem. He's invited you to dinner with him and the Empress."

"Eh? Why? I'm so tired already. Talking to them was such hard work. Can't I go to bed now?"

"Her Imperial Serenity was excited to be able to share half the couplet with his Imperial Majesty," Fluttering Bird tells me. "She sent you these jade beans to plant in the garden. Apparently these jade bean flowers will attract good butterflies and insects to the garden and keep away the pests."

"Oh. Don't care. Plant them somewhere nice."

"You know their Imperial Majesties won't keep you for long," Fluttering Bird laughs at me, pulling me aside. "Come on, let's get you dressed and ready. We don't have much time left."

"Nooo," I moan, letting them drag my floppy, reluctant body around.

"Come on, my Lady," Bouncer coaxes. "His Imperial Majesty hinted at receiving a new ink that he might give to you."

"New ink? Quick! Fix my hair! Let's go!"