Who are you?

Xavier threw a punch at the student he was holding down but the student appeared to be unharmed as someone seemed to have blocked his punch..

" Huh?" Xavier exclaimed.

'What ?!impossible a human stopped lord Xavier?!?' she screamed in her mind .

" I know the boys a jerk but you can't return violence with violence it'll never end " The man who was currently holding Xavier's fist said , xavier tried to pull his fist back with a little strength but his hand didn't budge .

' A Normal person is restricting me ? interesting'

"Who are you?" Xavier said with an angry tone though he seemed to be smiling.

" I'm nobody special just a boring old teacher, now why don't we both let go? ".The man said with a gentle voice as he and Xavier let go at the same time .

" There we go good boy now lets all pretend this never happened okay? ".the man said as he started to walk away .

" Xavier you okay?" Sol asked as she grasped his hands .

" i-i'm fine Sol but I would like to investigate that man " .

"I'll go start up the lab as soon as we get home " she said as she stroked his hand gently .

" Quit it Sol it's embarrassing" he said as she pulled his hand back.

After school at one of xavier's lesser labs ..

" It appears his name is Henry middletown he suddenly appeared around the time of your execution, so there's no record of him but our database shows a match" Sol said .

" show it to me " xavier said as the database showed itself on the screen .

" His name is experimental supersoldier number zero he was the first of our super soldiers but his body was never found during the war so we assumed he detonated but we didn't detect the residual energy given the energy fluctuations but guess he's fine " sol said.

Xavier just looked at the screen with indifference.

"Lord Xavier?" she called

" it's nothing I was curious but seeing as he's number zero...."Xavier seemed to want to say something but stopped himself " sol turn of the screen let's leave this alone, "

"Come again lord Xavier?"

" we wanted normal lives remember I won't stop someone who wants that too,so let's go to bed "

" but lord Xavier that body does not require sleep" she pointed out .

" Fine....then I'll fiddle with Starkiller till morning"

"thought we quit the experiments"

" it's research not experimenting so shut it " he said as he got in an elevator.

"haaah seems he really wants to change I wonder how long we can keep this up....guess he doesn't have to know "

back at henry's place he was seen in his room staring at the wall mumbling to himself

"that kid today why do I feel like I know him ? there's no way it's xavier right? I mean all the facilities disappeared when he died"

" oh come now you know better than anyone that he won't die so easily" a voice interrupted him but he instantly recognized it .

"well well if it isn't the android bitch Genesis, to what do I owe the displeasure" he said as he spread his arms wide .

" Nothing special number Zero since it appears my creator has no interest in you so I'll leave you be ,but I warn you" she tried to say when he raised his hand .

" you don't have to tell me I'm well aware of what D's resources are capable of " he turned after seeing that she wasn't there fell on his bed . ' scary bastards' he thought