The pair had cleaned up the attackers and the students had seemed to calm down even just slightly.

'it seems I may have relaxed a bit too much, I actually neglected such a thing,' He thought as he flexed his arms making sure they were working properly 'Maybe I should start up the lab again, restart the seraph program. I mean its not world ending at least it appears that way 'He sighed

He then felt a hand on his shoulder

"you alright Xavier? "Xavier looked up at the owner of said hand and smirked

"I never realized how tall you are till just now Tom" as it so happened all of Xavier's bodies so far have been rather tall so of course this one would seem short in comparison.

"That is the least of our worries now Xavier how are we going to deal with the people seeing this?" Tom asked a bit frantic

Unfortunately, it seemed Xavier did not share his fears as he just looked at him with a rather disappointed expression as he sighed

"Gather them outside, sol go home and get the eraser and be as fast possible "sol just nodded and almost seemed to vanish out of the classroom.

"what are you planning?" he asked a bit puzzled by his lackadaisical attitude.

"you'll see" he smiled

In about two minutes Sol had returned with a white sphere-shaped object and three glass cases

"sorry I couldn't find the smaller one "she said as she handed it over to him.

"no worries your younger brother BMO is the one who usually takes care of this kind of thing "he said as he opened the cases and handed everyone shades then went to stand on the stage, took hold of a mic and cleared his throat

"Everyone if I may have your attention please, yes thank you, now if everyone would please look up "as soon as everyone looked up there was a bright flash of light and anyone that wasn't wearing shades was in a daze it seemed.

'ugh always hated that damn neutralizer 'Tom complained

"hah this reminds of when he first created me, I questioned nearly all his actions teehee" Sol seemed to be lost in her own world.

'yeah, that reminds me that bastard basically created a human being now that I think about it, I mean it took a while sure but he did it 'he thought to himself as he watched Xavier calmly altering their memories of the events that took place. "Damn demon "he unconsciously uttered it may have been no more than a whisper but Sol heard it.

"what did you call him?"