It meant nothing to me

"Salama, I promise that whichever side ends up winning, I will give this piece of land to you and fix everything that's been broken."

"There'd be a downfall to that promise."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't bring back the people along with the land.

"So no thank you, Adam, but I will make you a promise: that when we win—and we will—I will make sure that all of the land will belong to everyone."

Indeed, the Lord's earth is spacious.

Chapter 21

The war finally came. Months of negotiations had led nowhere. Adam's father was too stubborn, too set in his ways and visions. There was no getting through to him. I had been in training for almost three months since Adam's meeting with his father, and for that reason, we had seen very little of each other. It was almost as if we were not married at all. However, the situation brought my father and me closer together.