Megillah (noun)

A lengthy and tediously complicated situation.

Chapter 19

(Mako's P.O.V)

"Where are you taking her?" Ana utters her eyes stricken with fear, her small hand holding mine for a brief moment but soon it drifts out as I'm taken away.

"Let go! What's going on?" I finally ask, my voice coming out as a whisper. They ignore me opening the back side of the car which is made of big thick black metal bars.

"Will you please tell me what's going on? is this about the dot?" I run on in a low voice grabbing into them and pushing at the ground with my bare feet. I gasp as they pick me up from the ground in one swing and place me inside; the bars are soon closed shut in my face. I watch in shook as they board the car and I'm left to look at the dumbfounded Arin and Ana.

"Arin?! can't we get her out? Ana tugs at the bars while Arin watches from his spot, frozen in place. I fall forward, hitting my face with the bars as the car drives away, leaving Ana on the ground calling for me. I look through the bars with my painful lips sealed shut as their figures grow smaller with distance.

I sit there, wondering what's going on. Where I'm being taken; first thrown in the dot and now taken elsewhere with no question of my opinion. This isn't fair.

We arrive finally, the car halting with a thud. I look out through the bars, spotting a dim lighted house to the right; greenery growing gracefully on the front door. I'm pulled out with little to no care.

"This isn't my house if that's where you are trying to take me." I tell them trying my luck but to no vail. I'm dragged by the gum-chewer man across the ground, not making it hard on him since I might actually be taken to father. Maybe he asked for me to be brought safely...?

"Seriously sir, I don't mean to be annoying but I think I deserve to know at least what's happening." I say politely leaning into his view, not wanting to get on his nerves as he grinds louder on his gum. They are the police; the hand force of this city. I don't think they mean me any harm... he continues to ignore me.

Going inside the huge house, my dirty bare feet pave way on shiny white marble. I glance up as I hear voices coming from somewhere in the house and we soon make way to them. My heart begins to beat, fear planting itself with no second guessing.

"I just want to go back home, I'm not very comfortable." I begin to pull at his arm, but I just ski on the marble effortlessly. Louder voices emit from ahead.

"I'm very upset right now." I mumble, the police title not scaring me more than where I'm heading. What if they're a bunch of the Hand-Force? and they brought me here to decide my punishment for running out of the dot? but if that's the case, why didn't they bring Ana and Arin?

"Shut it." He grunts. A rush of adrenaline grows inside me;

"Sir, I mean no hate but I seriously hope every time you eat cookies, those little black spots, come out as stones instead of chocolate." I insult him, my voice wobbling and face turning hot. He stops in his tracks, leering down at me, his eyebrows arching up in question.

"Yeah that's right, the chocolate chips would actually turn to be stones sir. I wish that shall be your karma." I spit as he let's go of me. I swallow wondering if he actually let go because of my foul mouth.

"Last one." He hollers looking ahead. I look at my back where his eyes went. My heart plunges as I see a group of people; all staring at us in silence. Some sitting on a beige sofa and some laying their backs on the wall in a big open living room.

"Right, thank you." A tall women among the group says in an elated tone. I watch as the police man spins around to leave.

"Wait! this is not my house!" I hiss whispering, but my voice echoes in the open space as he glides away from view. I stare at the wall before me, debating if I should flee the place or just melt of embarrassment right here. I swallow and step away towards where I was dragged from... maybe I can just walk out of here...

"The storm is almost here, it's better to stay indoors." I spin around at the voice. My eyes jittering around, trying to find where the voice came from, but my head is spinning and I can't pick it up.

"Why don't you come over here...?" The same voice speaks again. I look away from the group of people ignoring the request, placing my gaze at a plant in front of me, trying to shake my head to lessen my dizziness.

"Right... How about we begin by introducing ourselves." I hear through my ringing ears. As soon as I calm down and can think straight, I'll get out of here. I'll find Ana and Arin, as they might be lost and alone right now, then head home.

I hug myself, folding my hands around me as some names and ages fly in the room. First I wake up in the dot, like who just drinks a shake and ends up in the dot? then actually leave the dot by throwing myself in huge water waste... then get out of a sewer. All I regret is not having that camera... I would have had evidence to all this.

"Botan, twenty two." My head flies up at my brother's voice. My ears instantly popping, giving me full hearing like it normally does. My eyes wander over the heads and faces, landing on my brother's. His eyes looking down fighting his urge to look up... but he does. And we stare at each other, he swallows in silence from a distance, his mask clasped yet again on his face; leaving only his sunken droopy eyes in show. I let out a breath as he breaks eye contact and some other person introduces themselves.

Is he here because of father? did father arrange this? Is this yet one of father's punishments? no one can take us places without father's consent... I'm sure... well maybe... As long as my brother is here with me, then it's okay. But has he been dragged here too? was he not given a choice too?

"Are you ready to introduce yourself now?" I glance up, a middle aged women in a flowery dress is looking my way. I soon find others looking at me from above their masks. I find Botan's reassuring eyes,

"Why are we introducing ourselves?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"I'll explain that in a bit." She reassures me. I look around licking my lips, most of the people look too comfortable in their place, maybe they already know why they're here... lost their way home?

"I'm Mako, twenty years old." I utter, planted in my place. I hear a snicker somewhere in the room... what did I say so funny? Are they laughing at my outfit? if they know I came from the dot, they won't be so judgmental...

"Right, that's everyone now. So, Like Mako asked; you're all here as you're assigned to help with the storm." The women elaborates... storm? what's this storm she keeps mentioning?

"I need you all to come with me; I'll carry a quick weight and height check and then, I'll assign you to your rooms." The kind sounding women says standing up, making her flowery dress free of creases. Everyone begins to shift, standing to their feet following her out the living room to the right; opposite entrance than the one I'm standing at.

I lay my eyes on my brother who's standing still as others walk forward. He stands there in his wide pants and knee length red velvet top, looking up at me and motioning with his head at me to come, his hand to his side waving at me. I sprint forward as he waits for me.

We walk side by side behind the others. I open my mouth to say something but he goes on first,

"It's okay, don't worry." He whispers in soothing tone from under his mask. I nod in silence as we approach the group. Everyone takes turns, stepping inside a hollow square; few seconds and the weight and height number appear at the top bar on the boxy gadget. Botan steps in after everyone is done.... HIGHT- 179CM..... WEIGHT - 63KG, the bar writes in blue light.

I go last after him, a hot shiver travelling my back as I try to ignore the stares I'm receiving from the others as I'm standing in the box. She scribbles down whatever numbers appear as I go back to my brother's side.

"Right, now your rooms. All rooms are the same on the second floor, you'll find your name tags next to the door." She says pointing upstairs.

"It's already past 2 am. Better head up to wake early." She runs on; her long cut bangs giving little space to her eyes. Everyone begins finding their way to the second floor.

"I'll see you all in the morning." She finishes stepping away. I glance at my brother who proceeds forward. I follow of course. We go up, the murmurs begin amongst the others already with the disappearance of the women who seemed in charge.

"Can we or can we not? discuss..." I whisper at Botan looking up at the others.

"We cannot. Not now." He answers me firmly. I nod as we land on the second floor.

"Just get through tonight, it will be okay... and wash up." He utters peering down at my foul smelling night gown; giving my shoulder a thump. I shake my head in question,

"Are you sure, I was just dragged here by the Hand-Force... are we like criminals or something? did I do something I don't know of?" I ask him ogling at him; trying to see what he thinks but the mask stands in the way. But before I can continue my questioning, a boy comes forward, throwing his shoulder on my brother so heavily causing Botan to stumble and clearly grunts in annoyance.

"Group zerooooo ayyy." The boy bellows in a scornful tone pushing obnoxiously at my brother.

"Owen, stop." Botan presses. The boy doesn't budge, his hair kept short with a shaved left side.

"He said stop." I prod, annoyance beginning to grow inside of me. The boy ogles at me, studying my face.

"Or?" He goes on.

"Or I'll invert your rib cage." I spit remembering this from Tora. The boy just stares, from me to Botan who's just shaking his head, hands kept hidden in his pockets.

"Who's gonna let you do that now?" The annoying boy let's out a cheap laugh,

"Who's gonna stop me?" I dare him, feeling an odd shiver throughout my body. The boy nods, finally getting off of my brother, he gives us a glare then leaves in peace.

"Why don't you go... change before you invert anything." My brother puts in as he strides away leaving towards the left to his own bedroom. I'm not going to get any explanation? I'm supposed to just understand what's happening and why?

I watch him as he enters a bedroom and I sigh shaking my head. He's been acting distant since he turned eighteen; and won't ever tell me what's going on with him or anything I ask.

I walk around looking for my bedroom which I have no idea why I'm doing instead of running away... I find my first name written besides a white door, with a green holographic slit on it saying 'open' I watch over my back as other girls walk in theirs. I push open the handle walking in. A suite with a bathroom; beige covering most of the room.

Closing the door behind me, I walk over to the bed, looking at the side table I find a paper and a small bag with a small water bottle... I pick the paper and it reads


I raise my eyebrows at that, opening the bag I find my familiar pills resting in. Shaking my head at that, I take the pill and swallow it with water. The question of how did my medication got here is not even the right place to start asking questions.

I find a set of pink pajamas and a uniform similar to the one I was given back at home when I went out with the twins and can't help but wonder if my brother has something to do with this... The uniform and pajamas both have my favorite colour pink on them... did he tell them? does that even matter?

I take a shower, grunting every now and then at my bitten arm. It's been a while the bleeding had stopped from such a big wound but my arm is now visibly missing a chunk of my arm. Not only does it sting so bad, it's actually horrid looking. My whole arm is sending heated pain through my shoulder.

Dressing in the pj's I let my hair open to air dry. Sitting on the bed I hear a faint beep coming from the window to my left


A robotic monotone voice announces. I jump up to check it out. I glance out into the dark night view, my mouth gapping open at the thick black wind hovering in the sky. I watch as a bright lightning hits at the sky and I wait for it to roar. This is by far the first time I see this, the windows back at home never allowed us to see complete view... why are the windows here so oddly huge!?

It begins to poor... droplets landing on my window like a humming song. I grab the handle of the window and pull at it, but a holographic slit pops in red on the window -CLOSED- it reads. Is this the activated lockdown I just heard? I give up on pulling and sit by the window, after a while of watching the rain, the fog completely takes over outside till it's impossible to see anything further.

At the sound of my growling stomach, I stand up holding my stinging arm. The pain becoming even more strong than it was; radiating throbs all over my arm. Maybe I shouldn't have taken that shower... and maybe that sewage water infected it... disgusting... truly disgusting.

I open the door; spotting no one in the bright peach lighted hallway. I close the door behind me and proceed downstairs; my feet stepping softly on the brown carpeted stairs. Is there a kitchen around here... hope there's something to eat.

After checking the main door first, I pull it open and I gasp as the dark fog swooshes in, pieces of black ashes taint the white marble and I quickly close it back. I glance around trying to find something to clean away the intruding ashes. I spot a big one meter tall elephant plant by the side. Pushing my wet hair out of my face, I take a huge broken leaf from the plant; it was barely attached to the plant so it shall forgive me for using it. I wipe away at the ashes incase I get in trouble for opening the door, better to hide the evidence.

I look around some more and find a kitchen. The counter tops and cupboards are all white; minimalistic, uncluttered. The ground has the same white spotless marble. I spot the tiniest fridge-ever sitting in the corner of the huge kitchen. Are we allowed to open it? this isn't my house... I'm just snooping around and maybe it's not so nice to open other's fridges without asking... but they brought us here... might as well provide us with food...

"Aren't you going to open it?" I jump at a questioning high pitched voice. I spot a little figure; boy with brown hair in blue attire at the entrance of the door.