Jane - Getting To Know The Cute Tutor

I have always been unsuccessful with my career, and at one point, I became a teacher and a tutor, it was sort of a career switch as things weren't going well.

But what most people didn't know, is I got into it because of a friend, a girl. She's a tutor, and her name is Jane.

I remember getting her number off a dating site, and she would randomly video call me on weird timings, including several times when I'm on the loo! Things were really fun as we chatted, and I found her to be really cute.

One of the video call was her wearing an apron in a pastry class, and that got me excited, because I like girls who are cute, and handy.

I was overseas a lot at this time, and Jane was pestering me, continuously asking when I'm flying back to Singapore, and when I finally told her I was going to fly back, she got anxious and very excited about finally meeting me again.

Upon my arrival, my family were there to pick me up, and I was really happy to see them again after so long - it was unfortunate but Jane wasn't very familiar with me nor my family well enough to come meet me.

But I made sure to make up for it by texting and calling her first thing when I got my local number! As she was having a lesson when I called, she texted me to meet up afterwards.

As we both lived rather nearby, we met up often, and I asked her if she was into cuddling, and she said yes, we quickly got into an Uber on our way to a hotel and booked day room (4-6hours). I truly like cuddling, but at the same time, it was obviously not the only thing on our minds.

As soon as we got our rooms, we went straight to it, we decided to shower together. I am convincingly great at showering a girl, and she enjoyed the comfort of being treated like a Princess. As I finished cleaning up, she was already in bed waiting for me.

I quickly got in, and cuddled her naked. She seemed tired, and soon started to rest, with her eyes closed. But I know she was awake. As I cuddled her in Big Spoon, I hugged her tight, and my hand was on her chest. From it, I could feel her nipples harden and her heart racing. This in turn, caused me to get a hard on too.

As it was our first time together, we were both polite and demure about it, as I moved my lower body further, we rested for quite a bit - I have to admit cuddling her was truly amazing, I could fully rest in peace and comfort...

But we couldn't fall asleep - she soon turned around and asked, "Will you be mine? Shower me, and have no other girls?"

"Yeah... I really like you, and I always doubted that I will find another girl again since my last breakup."

She nodded, smiled, and quickly went down to lick my hard member, got it really wet, and saddled on top.

I was still stunned, as I didn't expect her to let me have sex with her so quickly - while I expected this to happen, I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Before giving me time to react, she already grabbed my hand onto her chest, while playing with my nipples. Coming to my senses, I began going with her rhythm and licked my fingers before heading back to her boobs and nipples.

While I had tons of experience with sex, it was my first time being saddled the way she did, and my first time having a girl taking such initiatives and such swiftness. I later realized, she must have been wet this whole time despite not having done any foreplay.

I leaned up, grabbed her, and pulled her down so I could hug her and I planted a deep kiss on her forehead, cheeks, and then slowly went for her lips. I then soon started licking her neck, before finally letting her loose from my tight hug.

As she began to slow down, I again, grabbed her, and flipped us around, so I could take the top position this time, all while not letting my dick out of her.

Since she enjoys being a Princess, I decided to make her my Pillow Princess for the day.

I had no idea how or why I knew, but I know what she likes, what she wants, and what she needed.

And what she needed, was a good choke.

I gave her a light slap, then slowly moved my hand to her throat, slowly tightening and choking her. I could feel her tighten up below, squeezing me, as I began to choke her harder, and slide deep, hard, and fast into her.

I have to admit, her moans is one of the loudest I have ever heard, and that makes me want to choke her harder, and cover her mouth with my other hand. Placing my weight on both my hands, I pushed her so deep into the pillows and bed, I could feel a decline!

She suddenly reaches out her hands and grabs my hand on her throat, squeezing it even tighter - I then realized, she was, or was going to cum.

I looked into her eyes, and I whispered an order, "Cross your legs around me. Hug me. Squeeze me tight. Tight as if you're hanging on for dear life."

As she does what I ordered, I respond in kind with all my strength, going almost max speed. I almost lost control and came inside her, as she was hugging me so tightly, so I had to control myself by adjusting the thrusting speed. There were a couple times I had to take a break while leaving my dick fully inserted in her.

She kept cumming, and by the 5th time she said she was cumming again, I couldn't hold back anymore. She was so flooded and so well lubed that my dick was simply overflowing with pleasure. However she refused to let go and pulled me deep with her legs when I told her I was close.

I didn't want to mess her up and get her pregnant, so I shouted at her, "You want me to come inside you?!"

She immediately let go, and I pulled out just in time to cum a whole load all over her tummy and breasts. It was my first sex after being single for so long, I was so drained I had to lie down and catch my breath.

The hotel phone started ringing, as I was resting, and she looked at the time and exclaimed, "You fucked me for almost 3 hours! We didn't even get to rest!"

"Should I tell them to extend...?"

"No." She picked up the phone and hanged up, and then picked it up again so no one would be able to call us again.

As we rested awhile more, we showered again, and then left for home.

I can tell she was absolutely satisfied, but also troubled that we had sex so soon...

But more stories about her... are for another day.