Abigail - Meeting Her Again

Although things left pretty well after the first chapter with Abigail, we didn't actually meet again for quite awhile.

I found out that she had began dating someone shortly after we met. That got me really confused, I thought she really enjoyed being with me - in fact, I felt jealous and a little hurt. But thinking about our age differences, I quickly understood and I didn't want to pester her if she was concerned about the same thing.

Things went on as per normal, I kept a look out for a new girl, and suddenly I received a text from her out of nowhere.

"I miss you."

What? She misses me? What bullshit is this? She's dating someone, now she's gonna text me this when I'm about to teach a class?

"Don't ignore me, I have been imagining how your tongue licked me all over. I imagined how it would feel if you would lick me over my clit. I want to scream until my throat was sore, and fully enjoy your throbbing cock inside me... Makes my knees go weak. I need to see you."

"Don't you have a boyfriend now?"

Short and sweet, I brought up her dating and continued to prepare for my class.

"I know, I know... I've been all over the place, and I don't even know why I'm with him."

"Why now? I thought you didn't enjoy our time together, you suddenly dating someone shortly after being with me in that car? I thought you didn't like me."

"Hell no, I can't focus on studying, I can't even properly listen to what he talks to me about. All I think about is how you could fuck me senseless in your car. I want to taste your cock, and I want you to fuck my throat so hard I would choke."

Holy crap. Even though I said I was gonna forget about her, she already made me hard. Over a couple texts? That almost never happens!

"What do you want?"

"I'm in JB, and will be back to Singapore later this evening. And I can't wait to see you. My nipples have been hard thinking about you..."

"Fine, I'll meet you once classes are over, let me know when you reach... Meet at your place again?"

The following 3 hours was a terrible terrible session. I had to teach while holding in a raging hard dick. As my phone rings, signaling the end of the class, I bid my students farewell and left faster than they ever left any classes.

Rushing to the car park, I sent her a text saying I'm on the way over.

She quickly responded saying she's already waiting, in her uniform.

"I'll be at the top floor of the car park we were at the last time... I'll open my uniform blouse, and slowly lift my skirt, just so you can see my soaked panties when you get here. My hard nipples brushing against my uniform makes me even more turned on... Oh! I'm not wearing a bra btw!"

Holy shit... I might not make it there. She's always been a slutty minx. But I can see she really has been crazy horny.

I drove so fast I felt like I was about to get into an accident - I quickly calmed down, and made a full stop, took a deep breath, then made my way over. I couldn't afford to not go at this point.

After I arrived, I quickly drove to the top floor of the car park, finally finding her already rubbing herself at a secluded corner. I pulled her in my backseat, and roughly groped her.

"Oh yes... daddy, be rough..."

I pulled on her nipples HARD, and enjoyed watching as she squirmed.

"Daddy... why are you being so mean?"

"Am I the mean one? You told me you really liked it the last time, and then you suddenly started dating someone else? What's up with that? Should I not punish you?"

"I'm sorry daddy... he... he is very nice to me..."

"Then why do you want me here?"

"Daddy... he..."

"I get it, he's not good at sex. So you need me."

"He's... not that bad. I just... can't cum without you daddy!"

"Hmph. Show me your panties. Rub yourself until you almost cum. But don't cum, not without my permission. Tease yourself until you can't take it anymore."

Abby does as she was told, before slowly fucking herself with her fingers. Given how wet she already is, I could imagine there being hardly any resistance. The sounds she makes were so pleasant, so dirty...

Before long, she started begging me, "I just, I just want to cum so badly... Please daddy, I just want to cum when you're inside me! I want to keep squeezing you until you cum inside me, and fill me up inside... I want to feel that warmth that only you can give me..."

I can't believe my ears, it feels like something in her changed since we last met. It wasn't even that long, how did she become so horny, has she been thinking about me all this time, while holding back with her boyfriend's mediocre sex?

This dirty little minx... isn't she just using me for sex while dating a normal boyfriend? That makes me a little mad. I grabbed her skirt, and pulled it up. I've had it with girls using me only for sex. Even that Queenie who only met me for a ONS... I'll talk about her another time.

Without any hesitation, and without any resistance, I slid right in.

"Ohhhhh I'm cumming!"

Are you serious? Already???

I give her a break, didn't move while deep inside her.

"Eh...? Why aren't you moving? Don't you always go rough and make me cum while I'm cumming?"

"Just giving you a break and let you cum properly. Don't you worry, this is just the beginning. I didn't drive all the way here to let you cum once. I'll properly punish you for dating someone else."

"You would do that? For me? Oh my, I can't wait!!!"

Did I say something wrong? I said punish right? she's crazy! I gotta do something and show her my dominance.

I leaned forward and place my hands over her mouth, covering it, then placed my mouth on her neck. I softly licked the heck outta her, giving her some serious hickeys by sucking hard and biting her.

"Mmmff!!" She struggles and tried to make me stop. But I have no intentions of letting her go. Not a single chance.

The excitement returned to me after sensing her struggle under my body. I began fucking her a little harder, just so I can enjoy feeling her boobs bouncing under my chest. The exciting brushing of our nipples makes me even more excited.

I continue to devour her breasts and neck, making hickeys everywhere while enjoying the slow fuck. She's mine. I've made her mine, and I will make her want to remain mine.

She wants sex, so I'll give her the best sex. I'll make her cum so hard she forgets she has a boyfriend.

I licked around her nipples as I thought about how she is suddenly dating someone else, I bit down on her nipples hard as revenge.

She grabbed my hand so hard I had to let go of her mouth. "Ahh! Ahh! Ahhhhh!!! It feels... so good! Fuck... me... harder... Daddy..."

This... minx... she's enjoying this too much?

Slap! I slap her hard on her face, leaving a print on her cheek.

"Oohhhh daddy!!! Haaa! Haaaa!!! Harder!!!"

Holy shit? Did I break her?

"Ugh, Daddy, please! Fuck me and cum inside me! If you cum inside me, I'll be yours forever! You can fuck me anytime you want, I promise!!!"

I didn't respond to her. I closed my eyes, and focused on thrusting her hard. I could feel it coning.

I switched to full speed, and instead of pulling out halfway to thrust back in, I pull all the way out and thrust deep into her, stimulating not only her clitoris, her uterus, but also her mind into thinking I was about to pull out completely.

"I'm cumming!" She grabbed onto me with her hands.

I quickly choke her with my hand, and roughly groped her boobs, and kept thrusting at my top speed.

"Daddy!!! Yesss yes yes yes!!! Yes Daddy!!! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm... CUMMINGGGGGG~!!!"

I pulled out at the last second. Squirting all over her.

"Wha... Daddy? Why? Why not inside...? Daddy please..."

"No. you have a boyfriend."

I reminded her of the cruel truth.

As if she finally remembered her boyfriend, her eyes widened, then closed shut... squeezing some tears out.

"I'm sorry Daddy..."

Now that the deed is done, I let her off the car downstairs, and drove off.

I wouldn't hear from her again for a long time.