Geller - The Heartbreaker (1)

I rarely talk about the endings of my relationships, and that is for a simple reason...

They all end badly.

Here's a story about one of them, about this girl... Let's call her Geller (from Friends).

Right from the moment she got my number online, she was all crazy about me. Texting me and calling me every single day, and constantly asked "wyd" (what you doing) even though she was busy, at work or school work.

This reminded me how it feels to be dating again, granted we aren't actually dating yet. I missed the feeling of someone who is thinking about you all the time. But it wasn't all peachy - I was also tired of being hounded at the same time.

I remember when we first met - she said she was going to be at my school to study, and she was there with her Dad. Even though I had no intentions to go in, I felt like it was my chance to see her in person. Besides... I did have a couple things to do at school myself.

I drove fast, but safe, and my mind was wandering, obviously nervous and anxious. Before I knew it, I was already parked at my school. I literally flew up the stairs, and entered the room which I knew she would be in, and there she was. Skinny black girl with a whole lotta sass.

We finally met at school for the first time after chatting online for so long. In fact, she seemed to not recognize me for a moment, until I called her by name - her online nick. It was an amazing experience, to which I quickly finished my work and sat beside her to chat. While she seemed excited to see me, she was also really busy as she seemed to be rushing an assignment.

I was a tad bit disappointed because we didn't have enough time to chat and get to know each other better, thus after getting my work done I was ready to leave.

On my way to the car, Geller ran out and called to me, to which I turned around with a big smile, and we chatted a little. She apologized for not having the time, but I understood she had work to do, and she promised to rearrange a proper time to meet me again.

Fast forward to a week later, she finally had time, and so I drove to hers to pick her up, meanwhile, chatting a little with her grandma, talked about aviation which her grandpa was heavily invested in, and I took her to our first date then.

It was a long drive there, and back, about 40mins one way, and once we got back to mine, it was late. We were both hungry, and so I quickly whipped up curry and made some rice, feeding her my best and favourite meal.

After the meal, I had offered to visit a nice place with her for a walk, to which she denied and instead, asked to go to my room.

Soon we would be cuddling, watching running man, and chatting and laughing together. And we soon got into talks about sex.

Playing around, I softly choked her a little, and she got turned on big time, and started to tell me how she feels and how turned on she got...

Don't judge me~! We soon got into "massage", and grinding her with my hard member, we were soon past the point of no return.

I grabbed her a little roughly, choked her, and started to grind her raw, and before long she was already begging me to get in there. She could no longer wait to get a taste of me.

I leaned in, pushing against her legs, she was easily "flattened", but her boobs, unusually large for her slim body, were protruding so much I could feel it against my chest.

Having sensitive nipples myself, I had a pretty good idea on what to do, and even got her, who claimed she was not sensitive there, to moan so uncontrollably with my mouth.

Gentle flicking her nipples with my tongue, I was patient this time. No sucking, no biting, just constantly teasing her with gentle touches.

As I finally began to enter her, her flexibility not only surprised me, but also got me so close to her face. She was blushing so hard I could feel her face burning hot.

While she was willing to get fucked, she claims she wasn't willing to get kissed. That was weird because I understood girls as the other way around.

I got close, and softly brushed my lips against hers, barely touching it, just to test the waters. And I soon found that she was more than ready for a kiss. I had been single for awhile before her, and my last kiss was so long ago that I realized I actually craved kissing. Now that I know for sure the light was green, I kissed her so much.

I knew I missed having a girl, a woman, in my life. Fuck celibacy!

Now that I think about it, given how I tend to leave a girls legs on my shoulder and lean forward to push against it, this was the first time I could so easily kiss a girl with their legs against me! I wasn't kidding, she is legit the most flexible girl I ever been with.

Soon I got so turned on by her reactions, I couldn't hold on anymore. I started to lose patience, and I started to want her body so bad.

I got back to focusing on our lower bodies, and I slowly made my way inside her. Apparently it's been awhile since she had any manhood, and its been awhile since I had any action too!

I had to be gentle with her because it was an incredibly tight fit. I was starting to worry it wouldn't fit, but she was so wet and so ready for me, that I was inside her all the way before I knew it.

"You're... Sure you won't regret this... Right?"

"Yes... It's too late to say no anyway. You knew you were turning me on choking me and touching my boobs..."

"Yes I did!" And boy was I so happy about it. So pleased. So fucking pleased with myself.

The way she tightly wrapped around my member made me think she was a virgin, except she definitely wasn't! I guess that was because it's been awhile. It was really tight and she seemed to even bleed a little!

I kept kissing her, and she kept kissing me back. I felt happy, blessed, because she said she don't like to kiss people unless she really liked that person. And as we kissed, I felt her looking at me, staring at my face. I could feel her happiness, satisfaction, and infatuation with me.

I felt like this is it! I found the right girl! Just need some time to adjust to how she behaves, how she speaks.

I maintain a regular-high speed going in and out of her, as I continue to "massage" her sensitive spots. And since I have her under me, I made sure she can't struggle out of my grip while making her crazy with her sensitivity.

Flicking, licking, and constantly kissing, softly blowing at her ears and softly going in and out of her below... Also massaging, pinching her nipples has her constantly reaching her highs.

Keeping that up would be repetitive and boring over time, so I would switch things up. Suddenly getting rough with her, and strongly going all the way in her had her moan in surprise! She got loud, and took even me by surprise, I quickly covered her mouth and kept going.

It's not easy for me to find girl to be passionately on my level in bed. Not at all. Much less to say some girl who surpassed my drive.

Even now, as I recall this story, I am aware of my addiction to her, and her body. I miss her voice but I am trying so hard to hold myself back from contacting her.