Chapter 2: Is This Going To Keep Happening

Marinette POV

Yesterday was a disaster and I can't believe that I had to go though that. I was a guy and not jut any guy, Adrien Agreste. Of all the people I had to be that is who. I mean my life is hard but jeez they don't have to add to it. I can barely do that. I don't need to try and be someone else. What if we happen to be swapped and an akumatized person started attacking the city. Neither one of us would know what to do.

I now that this happened for a reason but why us. I can't think why he would even think of me outside of class. I am just a friend to him. Right? That is what he always says.

I don't even want to think about how close I came to screaming my head off. But any second now I should leave to go back to school. As I leave my mom gives my a croissant for breakfast. I walk into the school as a familiar limo pulls up.

"Wait, Marinette." A male voice calls after me. I pause and look back. Adrien hurrying up the stairs is the sight that fills my eyes.

"Yes?" I ask when he reaches me.

"I just wanted to ask a few things." He says when I don't reply he continues, "Why do you try to do so much? How can you even do it?"

"That is none of your business and you should worry about yourself." I snap back.

"Why? You worry about everyone. Why can't I worry about you?" Adrien says, and once he says it he shies away.

"You know what your just like everyone else. How could you just walts up here and expect me to give a crap?" I turn and walk away without hearing his answer. I know I should not have done that but I can't help but want to protect myself from anymore intrusion on my life. He already knows to much. I walk up to my class early and I pass Alya on the way there.

"Hey girl. How's it going?" Alya asks but I just keep going.

Adrien's POV

I watched Marinette not only blow me off after she snapped but also Alya. Her best friend. She is beginning to worry me. I can't help but wonder if she thought I had a better life than her and this is why we ended up switching lives yesterday. Will it happen again. Or was it a one time thing. I watch Alya storm towards me and I decide that I would be best if I just heard her out.

"What did you do? I know it's your fault, Agreste." She yells and her fists are clenched. But underneath I could see that she was crumbling because her best friend just ignored her. I bet that she and Marinette always talk. So I must have upset her bad.

"I am not entirely sure what I did." I tell her.

"How can you not know? Jeez, are you blind or something Adrien. You never show any care in the world about her unless she s upset. You call her a friend. She isn't as hard as stone. You can cut her with you words. And if I were you, I would just stay away from her. Give her time. She will talk to you when she is ready. The only thing you are proving right now is you are exactly how she thought you were the first time you met." Alya says then storms off and Nino looks at me. He walked in at the wrong time.

Third Person POV

Little did Marinette know that their switching has just began. She started think that she treated him wrong but she had no one to talk to about it. By that point she told Alya that she no longer wanted to be friends and she started skipping school, in fact half the time the only reason she even went to school is because she was Adrien and she couldn't taint his record. She began wearing weird outfits and she became more and more rude. So rude that even Chloe didn't dare mess with her. Marinette was being to worry Master Fu and he knew that if she kept this up she could become akumatized. If this were to happen no one would care. He wanted to help her but she eventually stopped listening to even Tikki.

Adrien, on the other hand, watched Marinette fall. Alya never talked to her or about her. She never mentions her name. Nino was soon to follow suit. But Adrien could help but worry. He started to create secret gifts that would cheer her up but eventually she wouldn't look at them. Adrien was always trying to uphold her confidence but he could quite do it. In fact, He had noticed that no one was being akumatized. It was like Hawkmoth was waiting for her to falter. He only hope was to get the miraculous away from her. So he was able to get permission from Tikki and she told him that was for the best. But when he did he was for a rude awakening. Tikki happened to be the only person hold Marinette above the water. Marinette was akumatized. She went by the name Red Mamba.

Red Mamba POV

I only feel anger and hatred. I want my revenge. On those who left me, those who bullied me, and those who wouldn't believe me. I don't care that they took her away, I just want to hurt those who have hurt me.

"Marinette?" A girls voice reaches my ears. The horrid noise that she has cast. She sounds surprised. I look towards her. I can quite put a name to her face but I know her. She hurt me. I turn my attacks toward her. But a black cat blocks me.

"That is Chat Noir, Red Mamba. I want his miraculous, his ring." A man named Hawkmoth states.

"Of course. But I have a score to settle first." I begin my rage built battle one more. Attack after attack. Chat Noir fights but only defending. He looks like he going to cry. Poor little Kitty.

Wait what, Kitty? Where did that come from?

"Marinette you have to fight him. This isn't like you. You always remained strong. You have to." He spouts, "You have people who need you even when they say they don't. Princess, I need you."

"I am not Marinette. She was weak, easy to manipulate, and to kind for her own good. Even when she gave up her friends, she could help herself to worry about them. I am a better version of her and my name is Red Mamba."

"No one is a better version. She was perfect. Sure she suffered, but to some extent everyone does. She was always there when we needed help. She always volunteered. No one could expect how much stress she had to go through. She was a hero all on her own. She would never need a mask to cover identity. She was just a kind soul that everyone loves and misses. But if we can't have her back easy. We will bring her back by force. We are tried of waiting for her to come talk to us. To say she misses us too. We need her now." Chat Noir says.

A tear slips down my face unwanted. She can't be fighting me. Not now. But she is pushing herself forwards.

I won't wait any longer I must tell him. I must tell everyone. I have to help them. I never meant to hurt them. I thought they hated me. I thought they were mocking me. I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to hurt them. I must, I must fight for them. I have to. I have so much I need to do, so much I want to do. So much I am going to have to do. People count on me. People need me. Red Mamba, Your hour is over. I won't let you do this to me again, Hawkmoth. You will fall and it will be at my hands. I will not let you win for I am Ladybug. I am strong, and I will defeat you.

What is she doing? My mind and words fade from me to her and back until she finally wins. She asks chat for her earrings. She captures the akuma.

Third Person POV

Marinette and Adrien show Paris that they are Ladybug and Chat Noir. A girl and boy from high school. The next day at school, Marinette had a horde of swarming people after her and she felt the pressure. Then she saw Adrien the same way. She walked over to him and turned towards the crowd.

"Hey, Paris. I know your excited to know who your heroes are but we would like to have a bit of room and she shoved him into a closet and ran. The crowd chose to run after her. Alya and Nino stayed back and help Adrien out.

"Man, you're going to have to pay her back for that one. You know how she gets around people. Even though she is Ladybug." Alya stated. They laughed.

Marinette and Adrien realized that in order for the switch to end the had to be happy with their lives and they quickly were able to stay in their bodies. They started dating an when Adrien got to be 20 and Marinette go to be around 19, the two love birds got married. Nino and Alya also got married. Nino and Alya had three children by the time Alya was 30. They named them: Hugo (who happens to be the oldest, boy), Marion (The second oldest, boy), and Anna (The youngest, girl). Adrien and Marinette had twins: Emma (the oldest by one minute, girl) and Tyler (Boy).