Past habits [63]

"So you mean to say that these were no random killings. They knew who the murderer was." I said, even though I wanted to stay silent.

"Yes. And those symbols on their foreheads and the way bodies were crucified. . . they are nothing but a diversion, done to distract everyone." Something about her tone was so authoritative and radiated the utter confidence she had in her words. She slumped against the chair, her hands folded across her chest and she scrunched her eyes.

"What are you thinking?" I asked after a minute passed.

"I am wondering if I have got this right or if there's something I am missing." Her eyes were still closed with her brows furrowed.

She was missing the part I knew. She had no idea about how deep rooted it was. Paul, Daphne and Sarah must have died a few weeks ago but the cause runs back to the time when my mother was still alive. I wondered if I should stop her here.