Green Labyrinth [86]

The trail got narrower, snaking beneath the huge trees curving and twisting frequently as we proceeded. It was hard to tell how much distance we have covered and how far we still have to go. Finn seemed to know where we were heading. He was leading the path while I followed him. Every now and then he would consult a compass he was carrying with himself to be sure of the direction we were heading into. At a point of time, we had to part ways from the trail to enter the green maze that was on its sides.

The forest was much more lush and thick than it appeared when we were walking through the trail. The ferns and wildflower plants were waist high and we have to constantly bushwhack through them to move forward. Moss and lichen swathed tree trunks made it appear like an endless and inescapable green labyrinth. Amidst the gigantic green towers, it was misty and cold. The air was much denser causing me to breathe raggedly.