Obsidian [94]

His voice was calm and composed but he there was an edge to it. He was being serious about this and he was right. The situation we were in right now was matter of grave concern. Paul. Sarah. Daphne. All three of them were already dead. And who knows how many people the demons would have possessed.

Finn was right, we can never be sure if the possessed people will come back alive once we exorcise the demons. And if they come back and possess more people, then their lives will be at risk too and none of us wished for that. Finn had already lost four of his friends, including my mother and who knows how many people were possessed by those sinister creatures. Somewhere I was the one responsible for every one who have lost their lives and thereby I wanted to learn witchcraft so I can avenge everyone. 

I sighed and stared blankly at the ground. Finally when my thoughts were leading me nowhere I raised my head up.