Get away from me [107]

Pushing my thoughts away, I splashed water on my face carefully so as to not wet the bandage on the side of my forehead. Wiping my face dry with my handkerchief I raised my head to look at the mirror and shrieked in shock upon seeing Lucas's reflection behind me. He was relaxed on the wall opposite to the faucets. I instantly swung around.

He wasn't smiling and he didn't look particularly amused. The main question was, when did he enter the washroom?

"What are you doing here?" I blurted as it was the first thing that came to my mind.

"I go to the same school as you." He didn't budge, neither did his eyes move away from mine.

"I mean here. This is girls washroom." I clarified. "Can't you see the sign on the door?"

"I don't care." He said and uncrossed his hands from across his chest as he began taking steps towards me.