Water Manipulation [143]

"Katherine?" I heard Finn's raspy voice again, but I didn't respond. What should I say now, was there anything left to say?

"You cannot lose all the hope now. There is still time." I heard him but didn't look at him.

"How are you not terrified at all?" I asked.

"I am terrified. But if I waste another moment wondering about all the disturbing things they are capable of then won't that mean I would be distracting myself." His words seemed to make some sense.

I drew my hands back from my face and wiped the tears of my face. He was indeed right. It was distracting me and there was no time for consolation. I had to get a hold over my thoughts and control myself from falling deeper into the unnecessary guilt.

"You are right." I said and straightened my shoulders. "They are already two steps ahead of us." I said.