Let's call it a day now [145]

"Now!" Finn pushed me to continue doing what I was doing. There was an urgency in his voice which pushed me ahead. 

I pulled it out in an instant. There was no remaining water in the glass now. All the water it contained was floating out above it in the air. It shifted from the shape of glass to a distorted one. The shape of the water tended to distort even more as the particles rushed here and there. At first it was like a distorted cube which kept on distorting itself until it elongated from both sides and began to droop towards the ground. I held it at its place with magic but as the seconds passed I could feel it slipping out from my hold.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Finn move across the room but I didn't bother to know where because I was a bit petrified that the water I had just pulled out was going to touch the ground real soon. I concentrated harder but nothing happened. It continued to extend towards the ground.