It's not a date [163]

"What makes you think that? And can we please go home?" Annoyance was clear in my voice and I didn't wish to spoil Cee's mood but her words were not entertaining me at all. I was instead more exasperated by it.

The truth was I could have been excited or super happy about this hang out or date or whatever to call it. But after hearing his voice for the second time was something that had elevated my suspicions again. I am right in the middle of developing trust for him and something like this happens. How else am I supposed to react then if not look at him with skeptical eyes and questions in my mind. 

Cee interlocked her hand with mine and then began heading with me towards her car. She was practically dragging me there like I was gonna get myself lose from her grip and run away because of what that was coming next for me.