Over exertion [166]

"It renders us incapable of using our inherent magic plus if it is consumed in some large amounts then it might have some negative consequences on our body too." He told me. 

"Negative consequences like?" I asked eager to know the answer but somewhere I was sure that whatever the answer is it's not going to be something I will like.

"Like coma or maybe even death." The words left his mouth and terror ran down my spine. That was honestly very scary.

My eyes widened with shock. "But how come a flower be this dangerous to witches? Is it a poisonous flower?" I inquired. I had never seen lobelia flower in my life but getting to know about how harmful it was to witches gave me goosebumps all over. Considering the amount of reactions I get into, I was scared I might actually eat it or inhale its fragrance.