Confession [181]

Lucas leaned away from the table and studied me.

"Any luck with it?" His eyebrows were arched as he asked.

"Cee's still working on it." I answered. "She's on a temporary break these days."I added. 

"And what does the wise Cee have to say about them?" He seemed amused.

Again what was he trying to get at, I thought to myself. I was stunned that he was curious about what someone has to say about those murders. 

"She thinks that the murders have to do something with the victims' past. Like the murderer can be someone from their school, or someone they probably knew." I told him Cee's theory. 

I was well aware of how and why these murders were carried out. But I couldn't disclose the truth about the demons or me being a witch. 

"That's not a groundbreaking news though." He remarked.

"I know. But she really tried her best." I replied.

"What are your thoughts?" He inquired.