Picturesque [185]

  "I hope you surprise me." He muttered, still looking away from me. "But it's not the right time for you to know about me." He added.

"What's wrong with the time?" 

"Time is not wrong. Situation is." He was still looking away.

Something about the way he said it made me think that he was at a greater risk than me. I wanted to know everything but I was couldn't see beyond the horizon. Similarly Lucas wanted to tell me things around but there were limits he was forbidden to go beyond. Maybe. . . situation was to blame after all.

"Are you in some kind of trouble? Is there something bothering you?" I tried lending him a helping hand but I was not sure he would need the kind of help I would have to offer. 

His tone was grave as he stared at the ground. "There's not just one thing--- there are so many things and I cannot put you at a greater risk by involving you in this."