Room [193]

"Last night during that incident---" he trailed off, not wanting to speak about it. I was glad because I didn't wish to hear about it either. "--- you passed out." He finally said.

"Huhh?" That made sense because how else I don't remember anything clearly except getting stranded in that endless void or whatever it was. 

Lucas observed my reaction for a few seconds before continuing.

"When that man was about to attack us, you pushed me away and then passed out." He informed me and then paused. "I had nowhere else to take you in that condition so I brought you here."

Some of my panic dissolved listening to his reply. He was right, there was no way he could have taken me home without getting welcomed by Grace with a worried expression and a million questions to ask.

"Cee was still an option." I said, as the thought crossed my head.