Life force, Life vigour [196]

An hour passed and thoughts and words exchanged from last night kept me engaged from falling asleep. I felt like my brain would just stop working from the overload of the information and doubts I had been storing in there since so long. Who knows, it might prove fatal. 

I received Finn's text saying to meet him at the same spot of the forest where we have gathered for the tapping ritual. Last time he had told me that we would need to practice outdoors for the upcoming lessons. I guess today I was finally going to learn new and interesting things. And maybe some spells too.

I was excited and jumped out of the bed with a smile and an ecstatic enthusiasm flowing all over. Since we were going into the woods again, then we might have to hike and to prevent what happened last time, I picked out my hiking shoes to keep myself from slipping again. I still wasn't sure if the problem was my shoes or just me.