Back then [202]

"It was her decision and none of us had any say in it." He began speaking again. "I knew she would make that choice someday, therefore I let her go." 

"Wasn't she aware of the risks?" I cross questioned.

"None of us were. No one knew that somehow after so many years Andromalius would try to find his way back to out of hell. We thought he was gone forever and maybe Sasha thought that too, therefore she put her defenses down. If only we were aware she would have been with us here today." He replied.

"She really shouldn't have left." Words were slipping out of my mouth by their own will. I had no control over them. More than that I wasn't caring much.

"Sasha was a free soul, Katherine. She was strong yet soft-hearted, powerful yet vulnerable." He said every word looking away from me into nowhere as if remembering my mom and allowing his memories to flood back into his conscious.