A wavering hope [214]

"What are we going to do now?" I still sobbed from all the crying I have done a few minutes ago.

Finn brought his hands again on my shoulders and I had to crane my neck up to look at him. His visage held a sympathetic look.

"But first tell me what actually happened?" He questioned in a soft tone.

"I saw him—Andromalius—in the mirror." My voice broke from the terror he had instilled in me. I suddenly had flashes of his beastly monstrous form, especially the haunting eyes of the snake around his body. I shuddered.

"He said he will meet me soon in person and there's no way I can run away from him." I let it out. This thing had been nagging me all this time. Finally it was out and I felt like a heavy rock boulder has been lifted off of me.

Finn noticed my trembling form and placed his hands on my shoulders to keep me from quivering. It felt comforting for a while before I recalled the other thing he had said.

"Anything else?" He prodded.