It all started Thursday morning [216]

"You were screaming loudly and it scared me." She replied as she put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" 

"I feel much better after waking up. Dreams make no sense to me." I ranted.

"Well that's part true, part false. Sometimes they do make sense." She corrected.

"You have no idea. My nightmares are always bizarre and scary." I confessed.

Grace smiled in response as she said, "What are they about, if I may ask?" 

"I don't know. I cannot remember my dreams pretty well. They always evade my memory. I can only recall a few fragments but not the complete dream." I admitted, it was true after all.

Grace stared down at the floor for a few seconds and then returned back to me with a smile on her face. Her warmth was contagious as I felt myself smiling back at her. 

"Well I hope you don't fall into a nightmare again this time. Will you be able to sleep?"