Augustine, the archangel [229]

Finn passed a glare towards Andromalius and the excitement on his face died. It was as if Finn had an upper hand in this rather than andromalius being the mastermind. That made my stomach rumble with uneasiness. 

"You don't order me. Remember if I don't get my work done, you're not getting your share as well." He warned him and Andromalius tsked. 

"Whatever you say! But get done with it, don't loiter." He rolled his yellow orbs.

"So Katherine, now that you know, where do you want me to begin with? Tell me, I'll grant one last wish of yours." He offered.

Tears streamed down my eyes, even though I didn't wish to cry and show how vulnerable and hurt I felt. Maybe I was still putting up a fight somewhere inside me, to not let out my weakness but other terrified part of me was dead scared and couldn't resist but weep.