The Truth [232]

"All those threats and everything that happened to you was an act. It was so hard to find you Katherine after your mother's death. You were always protected by some force, powerful than me and I couldn't figure out what it was. Do you know the lady you have been living with all this time is a witch as well." he said with a smile and I realized that next thing coming out of his mouth would send me more into shock.

A current rushed through me as if my system was preparing itself for the next shock of the day. I stared back at him in confusion and with fear. How much he knew about me and everything else surprised me.

"Don't act so shocked. You must have come to learn by now that Grace, your mom's best friend, is a witch as well." 

"No!" escaped my mouth as soon as he finished his sentence. It was completely impossible for me to take her as someone who was involved in this. And I feared if Grace was involved with Finn as well.