Morphine [242]

I broke into tears just then after listening to her words. She embraced me and patted my back lightly as I wept. This continued for a couple of minutes before I withdrew and wiped my tears.

"What happened after that? Where are Zach and Lucas now?" I asked impatiently.

"You want to see Lucas?" It was as if she read my mind.

"He's here?" I asked shocked because I was not expecting it. 

"Yes, he's waiting outside. I'll call him now." She gave my hand a little press and then left the room with a smile.

I waited for the door to be pressed inside again. Meanwhile I scrutinized the condition of my fractured leg. A white plaster was wrapped around my leg and I was restricted from movements. There were other injuries too, every part of my body, muscles and bones, was sore and I felt like a giant bruise.