C1- Debt to pay....

In the warmth of the evening, Lu Weiwei stood at the verandah, viewing the street lights and the bustling city.

Then she heard her Mom come in,

"Lu Weiwei what are you doing here , ?"

"Mother, I came for some fresh air, my wedding is coming soon. I'm nervous mom" she explained.

"I know how you feel, it's normal. During your engagement you were quite nervous too" Lu Xuanji said.

"Hu Beichen has been so loving to me, I promise to treat him well in the future"

"That's good, I wish your father was here with you he would have given you his blessings"

"Yes mom and we wouldn't have to live with uncle and his annoying family" Lu Weiwei scowled.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the compound.

"Lu Weiwei, they are here,you have to leave. Go to meet Beichen and explain what happened to him, please my dear be careful" Her mom said worriedly.

"I'll take your leave now,goodbye mom" Lu Weiwei said and left.

She flew out her room window and ran to the street s, where she hailed a cab to Hu Beichen's place.

She arrived within 20 minutes and took a short cut, it was a secret passage she and Hu Beichen took if they wanted to sneak out during the night.

She entered and only the maids were around, she searched the guest rooms until she got to a hidden room were she heard someone panting.

"Hu Beichen, that's enough I have to rest" Ji Wang said.

"I love you" he said and entered the bathroom.

Lu Weiwei was shattered,depressed and dejected. She walked out of his house in the hurry and in tears.

She walked along the streets wallowing in sadness.

She lodged at a hotel to sleep and find out what fate has in store for her the next day..