chapter 2

"Who is Samantha?"

"Me, i´m Samantha Lee, nice to meet you. I raise my hand to introduce myself. "

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rick Damon. Retired scientist; your boss, NASA administrator John Parker, has called me to investigate and solve this phenomenon, that's why I'm here, I need to help. "

"Of course " I concur.

"Jack, find Henry Bell immediately, I think we were wrong about him and his theory of going back in time," pronounds Parker our boss.

Natalia watches me worried. Since Henry was fired from NASA and left me, I have not heard from him again, so Nat does not agree that he will return, as my best friend, Natalia, knows how much I suffered because of what Henry did to, he just left, without any explanation, he did not care about me, he did not care about my love for him, nor all that we lived together. My best friend was there for me, and since then Natalia doesn't want to know anything about him like me. But we really need it; to Parker and everyone else, Henry had gone mad. The theory made me a bit crazy too, but that doesn't mean I didn't know how smart he is. And if he helps with this problem, our personal problems don't matter. He has to be here, we need him.

Jack is taking time with the call that makes me even more anxious. I thought I had already overcome it, in a few months I am getting married, just thinking that I might see Henry again makes me nervous.

Jack appears with a big smile on his flawless face.

"It took me several minutes to locate Henry, since he is living in Hawaii. "

Pronounces Jack enthusiastically

"In Hawaii?" I reply immediately, surprised.

What are you doing in Hawaii? I wonder. Are you married? Surely you already have your own family! and I am still here disturbing my life with these questions in my mind. There's a great problem in the universe, which must be answered.

"Will you come help us then?" Consults Leo

Jack hesitates to answer

This silence is killing us all. We want to know. I have a strange need to know if I will see him again.

"I think so, " he replies after a few seconds of said question.

We all have lost our patience. With Jack for so much mystery and with Henry for being that type of person who always likes to be the center of attention, even when he is not present.

"Do you think?" Nat strikes him.

"Yes! Henry said he would think about it. But knowing him as I know him, will he come?"

"With or without Henry, we'll sort this out, so get to work right away," reproaches Jack.

We are all included with the task force to continue the blue hole investigations, and we are analyzing what is happening in Shanghai. We have an exclusive monitor with the newscast, journalists want to know information, something that we have to give, to end the speculations that are bombarding social networks, and malicious newscasts. We must be aware of all the news around the world, so we are monitoring information that comes from anywhere.

I feel a pat on the back, I turn around to watch, and it is Leo who brings me a cup of coffee. I wink at him as if in gratitude. As I sip my delicious coffee, we see something impressive on the screen. News reporters in Japan are literally transforming into women from the 1990s. Their hairstyles, their wardrobe. The two women gawk at each other. We cannot believe what we are seeing. Like them we are in shock. We have just been part of a decades-long transition, our eyes see it on the live television channel, the newscast set just like the two women have changed decoratively to the 1990s. A man comes out on the set and shows how his cameras, microphones and all his state-of-the-art equipment turned into 90's tech gadgets

"Japan suffered a setback of time like Shanghai, " reported.

Now we start to be alarmed at the phenomenon never seen. Damon the retired scientist shows a lot of calm to what happened, he studies the blue hole with great patience, waiting for answers. On the other hand, in my case, I feel very helpless, my cell phone rings, it's my boyfriend Carl. I haven't spoken to him since morning. I am not used to answering any calls during my working hours. But in such a situation, without knowing what will happen in a few hours, it is better to answer any call. I decide to answer.

"Hi Carl. "

"Hello Sam," I hear her voice on the other end of the line

"Are you ok?" I ask

"Yes, and you?"

"I'm fine Carl"

"I was calling you to know what is going on? I just realized that something incredible happened in Japan. "

"I know, the same thing happened as in Shanghai."

"Shanghai too?"


"But will we be okay?"

"I don't know, I hope so."

"Okay. Bye honey. I have to go, a work meeting awaits me."

"Of course my love, and I still have to work, you take good care of yourself, yes."

"Okay, of course I will. Thanks, and like you, take care."

"Well, I love you. "

"Bye." He hangs up the call without saying he loves me too. I feel a sadness run through my body. It's amazing that I will marry Carl. And he still can't tell me that he loves me. I don't understand why he's so cold with me. But that doesn't matter at the moment. I take a deep breath and let all bad thoughts pass. I go back to my co-workers, to see if there are already answers about the blue hole, which is clearly affecting our planet.

"Anything new?" I ask with hope.

"None" Mr. Damon responds, who looks very stressed; Apparently the calm with which he had been seen previously, ran out.