Chapter 7

"Henry, Samantha. We are in transition," shouts Mr. Damon.

"Don't worry Mr. Damon, we will get to Mr. Maslow and solve all this with MARETI 2000" responses Henry shouting.

"Are you sure it will work?" Natalia asks.

"Let's hope so, Natalia," responds Henry.

"Ok then we must continue on our way, before it is too late," says Leo.

The boys and Mr. Damon run to his car, like us, we must continue our journey. I look around and people start to freak out.

"Do you think it works?" I ask

"I hope so, otherwise we will be in serious trouble," responds Henry.

We advance a little when a black car chases us.

"Faster, that car follows us"

"Henry, I don't like to drive too fast."

"Well, it's time to do it."

I accelerate a little more, while Henry is looking back, but who are they? I wonder.

A Mercedes-Benz 190 E Evo II stands in front of us and some very tall dark-skinned men get out of the car.

"Who are those guys Henry?"

"I don't know Samantha."