Chapter 17

This house seems like a great labyrinth with no exit, we have already taken several tours and we still haven't found the basement, until we meet the officers

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't they be outside?" Asks Officer Ricky

"We need to help sir." I say

"I don't think it's the best idea that you disobey, you don't understand that there are very bad men and they are armed and you are in danger here." Expresses the official.

"Of course we are clear about it, officer, we have been here before, together with those men, but we want to help sir." I explain to the officer.

"We haven't found anyone yet, it's as if they have disappeared." Expresses the oficial.

"They are in the basement, we must find them." I pronunciate.

"No miss, they are not in the basement, we were already there and we did not find them." Says the convinced officer.

"They can be hidden anywhere in the house." Natalia exclaims.