Chapter 22

"What will you do? Henry what are you saying, you are the least prepared for this," answers Dr. Michael.

"You are wrong sir, before I retired from NASA, I had been interested in being part of the space program, and I had prepared for two years."

"I know that perfectly well, I meant that you had that preparation a long time ago," responds Dr. Michael.

"Don't underestimate me doctor, I am ready to undertake this journey into space."

"Well if it is your will to go, I agree, but who will be the pilot of the rocket?" replies Dr.Michael

"It'll be me sir, I just need a little time to familiarize myself with the Saturn rocket and that's it," Henry says.

"Who else is signing up for this trip?" Asks Lieutenant Patterson.

"I am going." I say with certainty.

"You?" asks Henry scared.