The story of how I met you… – Chapter 197

The sight around the garden, which was nothing else but a deserted place, was now blooming into a magnificent place filled with many colorful plants and flowers. But the one color that stood out the most, was a significant tree at the center of the garden which was growing bigger as time was passing by.

The green light of the ambient was being reflected upon the girl's eyes as she was approaching the glowing tree which began dropping apples on the ground.

Poisonous or not, the young girl decided to eat those fallen apples which were glowing the moment they were still on the tree. She was way too hungry to care whether it was safe to eat or not.

And that's what she did. Without holding back at all, she began eating the apple without any second thought, filling her own eyes with tears from eating too fast.

"It's so delicious!" She continued eating the apples that were on the ground until she was finally stuffed.

In a long time, this had been the first time she had been this full without having to worry about her stomach growling in pain anymore.

But after having her fill, the girl couldn't understand but feel a lot more tired than usual.

Her legs were slightly trembling, and her eyes were getting heavier the longer she tried standing up.

"Having a bit of rest right now… shouldn't be a problem, but… I need to… go back, and… work.. on today's tasks…" Said as she tried getting some shut eye while lying close to the tree where the roots continued glowing in the color green.

She didn't feel worried, scared or anxious about being late for the villagers' work. All she wanted to do right now was relax to the fullest without having to worry about not getting enough food.

She felt strangely safe laying this tree, that's why her consciousness fell into deep sleep in a matter of seconds.

But what the young girl didn't consider was how the roots of the glowing tree began expanding until something was forming within them.



A new day had already begun, and the sun was already doing its job like every other day in the morning.

Comfortable sleeping under the leaves of the tree, was the same young girl who immediately woke up in realization.

"H-huh! It's already morning!" The young girl gasped at the fact that she had been sleeping more than she was planning to. "I better go or everyone will get mad at me!"

And without thinking too much because of her fear, the young girl ran back to her village without noticing a certain boy staring at her from there who was surprisingly behind the tree.



After she arrived back in the village, she looked around in hurry as many of the villagers could be seen working much harder than usual.

"I-I'm really sorry for being late! I'll start on helping with the rest of the stuff!" The girl said to some of the villagers without even trying to catch up with her breath.

"Ah? Where the hell have you been for an entire day?"

"An entire d-day?!" The young girl asked back in confusion at what he was talking about.

She was sure that she overslept a bit, but an entire day? That was clearly impossible…

"But not that it matters anyway. Thanks to you, everyone had a hard time dealing with their shit yesterday."

The young girl was left speechless and confused on how she could possibly have not been helping with yesterday's tasks.

"Anyway, we don't need your help anymore, so leave. No one wants you here." Another villager, who seemed the partner working on the field, glared at the young girl.

But even after that, the young girl didnt want to accept such a thing that easily. How could they just throw her away like that when she couldn't even remember missing a day from helping everyone?

"P-please, just give me one more chance! I'll do all of the work for you. Even the field, I'll learn how to do it just like you! So p-please let me help you!" The young girl begged as she tried grabbing one of the hoes laying on the ground.

But before she could do so, one of the villagers stepped on it, preventing the girl from picking it up. "Just go away from here before we tell the chef village to deal with you!"

And the other villager kicked the young girl on her stomach since she still was stubborn about picking the hoe.


"There'll be more of this if you get in our way again!"

"I-I'm s-sorry!" Left with no other option, the girl ran away from them so she wouldn't get kicked again by the heartless villagers who couldn't care less about the young girl.

She tried doing other chores in the farms, but she was kicked out once again without even bothering to explain what she had done wrong.

While holding her own arm in pain from the rocks one of the villager's kids threw at her, the young girl decided to head back to her house, only to find that all of her items and stuff were completely gone.

"What happened…" She asked with tears filling up her eyes.

"You're still here?" From behind there she saw the head chief of the village.

"What happened to my house?" She innocently asked, confused by how empty her house was left.

"That's not your house anymore, so get what little stuff you have in here and get out of the village. No one wants to bother you anymore, so do us a favor and leave."

The girl's eyes widened in shock and sheer disbelief at what she heard from the head chief.

"W-why are you doing this to me?! W-what did I do wrong!? I don't understand it! I've been doing as everyone has told me to!!"

But what she received back as an answer was a heavy slap from the old rusty hand of the old head chief.

The young girl held her own cheek in pain and confusion at the sudden hit from him.


"Don't raise your voice little girl. My ears are too sensitive to hear your loud screeching." The head chief softly explained without a care about his sudden assault on the young girl.

"And to answer your question. This house will have new residents since it was wasted by a little girl like you. You may get what's left in the house and leave before lunch. I don't care where you go for as long as you don't come back to this village."

With tears and an aching body, the young girl grabbed a few robes and cloth on the ground and left as she was sobbing from the treatment she was getting.

"*sob* W-what did I do wrong… *sob* Was it because I was late for today's chores?" The girl asked herself as she was making her way out of the village for the last time.

Even after helping everyone everyday, no one cared at all about the young girl who was banished from the village.

No one even bothered to even ask where such a young child would be going alone in the forest. They surely knew that she wasn't going to survive, and they still didn't care about it.

With nowhere else to go, the young girl decided to head back to the comfortable garden where she found comfort for once in her entire life.

The garden was still untouched and beautiful to look at with thousands of flowers which were releasing comforting smells all over the place.

But what made this place special and safe was that no animals could approach this territory at all, so it was a safe palace for the young girl to stay.

The girl was still shocked and sad by how she was treated in the village. And she still blamed herself because she wasn't useful enough to the villagers.

If she was useful enough, maybe they wouldn't have kicked her out of the village. That's how the young girl thought to herself as she continued crying.

She was holding her own knees in the ground while staying under the same tree where she slept before.

She continued sobbing, not noticing that someone was close to her.

A certain hand was trying to reach the girl's head. But before it could reach her hair, she raised her head only to find a young naked boy in front of her.

"N-nooo!!! P-please dont hurt me!" The girl cried as she covered her own head in order to prevent any sudden attacks.

But in the end, nothing happened.


The girl raised her head once again, her tears still rolling down her red injured cheek while trembling in fear on what might happen next.

Who could this boy be? Did she step again into someone else's territory without even noticing it?

The young boy slowly moved his hand closer to the trembling young girl, and gently touched her head.

Her body twitched a little from the sudden interaction, but in the next moment she felt a comforting warm thing flowing into her body.

"H-huH?" Her injuries were healing up and all of the pain and stress she felt disappeared in an instant.

Confused by what had happened to her body, she looked back at the naked boy in front of her with a bit of worry.

But somehow, she wasn't scared anymore…

"Who… are you?" The young girl asked while looking directly at the green eyes of the naked boy.

Even though his body was completely naked, there weren't any injuries and his skin looked really pure. His brown long hair which almost reaches all the way down to his waist. His body seemed just as skinny as the young girl. And his face which had an expressionless look all the time.

This was the first interaction between a pure little girl who wanted nothing else but to help others, and the young boy who knew nothing about this harsh world.








I was thinking of making an illustration from this novel. If you have any scene you want to see illustrated, let me know in the comments.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)


Up to 20 chapters ahead are available on (P a t r e o n). Link on synopsis!

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