Chapter Two - Blossoming Animosity

The figure turned away with a cold snort, expressing his disdain for Yue Chen.

Immediately Yue Chen knew who the voice belonged to. With a casual smile, he replied "the vanity of the saints lead to conflict, ultimately causing their demise. If not for their greed for power and fame would there have been so many lives lost? How many people died for the pretty needs of saints, over 3 million commoner families perished and 500 noble families ceased to exist in this conflict for power. Are the lives of others not worth it?"

Yue Chen who was already of good features was further enhanced by his charisma, giving him an even more unique charm instantly stealing the hearts of many females.

"hmph! what good are opinions if you lack the power to carry them out? In the end, power is everything. It has been an unwritten law in this world for centuries. The strong rule and the weak perish" Li Yao snorted and turned away.

The animosity between the two was nothing new to the class.

4 years ago at the empire's annual Talents Meet the two had met and were surprisingly compatible as they had much in common and quickly became friends. In fact, they had so much in common that they fell for the same girl! As a means to know who was more suitable to chase the young lady Li Yao challenged Yue Chen to a meet exchange where he lost terribly under Yue Chen's oppressive talents. Unwilling to accept defeat Li Yao entered Xuanhua Academy, making it his sworn duty to oppose Yue Chen's very existence. This was the beginning of the rivalry between the two that spanned four years.

"Why must you always be so stubborn" with a resigned smile Yue Chen slouched over his desk lazily.

"The next monthly exam, Dog of the Zhao family, I challenge you to an exchange!" Li Yao shouted loudly

"I refuse" Yue Chen responded in a deadpan manner, his eyes following the curves of Miss Bing's body effortlessly

"Coward! Do you fear losing to me will hurt your image? I will be sure to go easy on you" Li Yao taunted, empathizing with the word 'easy'.

"I have more important things to do" Yue Chen replied calmly, never once looking in his direction.

"He accepts" a melodic voice entered Yue Chen's ears followed by a young lass entering the classroom elegantly.

The silver hair that flowed down her back was an inherent trait of the Zhao royal blood. Her petite body gave off a noble air and her serpentine waist incited lustful looks from all the males present, her fairy-like appearance made their blood boil uncomfortably. Yue Chen being the only exception.

This girl was none other than Zhao Yali.

"Princess!" Bing Yan bowed as Zhao Yali entered, followed by the rest of the class.

"Princess I am busy and unable to attend the monthly exchange." Yue Chen bowed as he spoke.

"Silence! My will is your own. As a dog of my empire, you do as you're told" Zhao Yali rebutted coldly.

"Are you here to attend classes princess? If so-" before Bing Nan could finish Zhao Yali quickly interrupted.

"Don't waste my time I'm not here to receive the mediocre lessons of peasants"

"O-of course" Bing Nan nodded passively not daring to raise her head.

"I'm here for him," she said coldly as she glared at Yue Chen.

"Princess I just got here. Can you wait for a bit?" Yue Chen responded unwillingly. Obviously, he didn't like this princess very much.

"Royalty waiting on a servant? Did you get up on the wrong side today?" Zhao Yali retorted angrily.

"Fourth sister I asked a favor of Yue Chen earlier and I asked him to stay at school so I could locate him easier" another young lady entered the room who similarly had flowing silver hair and an air of royalty. Unlike Zhao Yali, however, this girl's aura was more refined and her smile gave one the image of a blooming lotus in winter. Her name was Zhao Xue "right, Yue Chen?"

"uh..y-yeah that's right" Yue Chen nodded. Gazing at Zhao Xue Yue Chen felt his gratitude to her had grown a bit more

"Meet me at the holy magic division once class ends," Zhao Xue said softly then turned and left.

"hmph!" snorting angrily Zhao Yali stormed out of the room.

"Once again the third princess has saved me," Yue Chen thought to himself and exhaled a breath of relief.

"It seemed she really had something to tell me. Maybe I should make a trip to the holy magic division later"

Resting his head on his desk Yue Chen slowly dozed off.


"en...Chen..... Brother Chen"

"what....." opening his eyes Yue Chen struggled to adjust to the blinding afternoon light that shone through the window. Turning his head he was greeted by a familiar face. "Bo Yang?"

"You were so comfortable I was hesitant to awaken you" Bo Yang teased

Ignoring Bo Yang's jab at him Yue Chen yawned lazily "What time is it?"

After a moment of pondering Bo Yang replied "uh... class ended an hour ago..... I think"

"An hour!? I have to go now!" standing clumsily Yue Chen dashed out of the classroom at full speed.

"What about old man Feng?"

"Tell him I'll be there a little later" Yue Chen responded without looking back.

The fourth-year Ice division was at one end of Xuanhua Academy while the Holy magic division was at another end so the trip was at least half an hour long for someone in the Earth realm as such, Yue Chen who was only in the middle sky of the Nascent realm it was even longer.


"Third princess how long do you plan to stand here? Are you waiting on someone?" a tall blonde-haired youth with eyebrows as sharp as swords and dressed in white stood by Zhao Xue's side with an affectionate expression

"That's none of your business" Zhao Xue shook her head and proceeded to ignore the blonde youth.

"You've been standing here for three hours, who would dare have the princess of the Xuan Empire wait like this!?" the blonde youth complained angrily.

After racing nonstop for two hours Yue Chen arrived at the holy magic division where Zhao Xue stayed. It didn't take long to find Zhao Xue as she was one of the only students that stayed behind.

From a distance, Yue Chen could hear a masculine voice that was fairly upset about something.

Taking big strides Yue Chen arrived before Zhao Xue "Princess I apologize for my tardiness"

"So you're the one the princess was waiting on? what's this, you're only at the Nascent realm and dare to make the princess wait?" the blonde youth's voice was like thunder and boomed loudly causing Yue Chen's ears to sting.

Although they had never met before all it took was a single look for them to know who the other was.

The blonde-haired youth was none other than Kang Jiran the sole heir of the Kang family.

Even as a low-profile student of the Ice magic division it was impossible for Yue Chen to not be known amongst the fourth year. While his talents were fairly good this wasn't what he was known for but instead his shadow! A single glance at Yue Chen's shadow was enough for anyone to know who he was as there was no one else within the entire empire with such an inconspicuous shadow.

"Princess you've wasted your time waiting on a cursed child, what use could he possibly have?" Kang Jiran stated with a cold smile

Yue Chen could feel an oppressive force slam against him, making his head spin.

"Did I ask for your opinion on my matters?" Zhao Xue asked indifferently as she shot a cold look at Kang Jiran.

"Cursed child Yue Chen, I'll be watching you" immediately taking notice of Zhao Xue's anger Kang Jiran didn't dare to linger any longer.

As they were finally alone Zhao Xue's indifferent demeanor took a drastic change as she bounded into Yue Chen's embrace.

"Princess, someone might be watching" Yue Chen warned, receiving Zhao Xue into his embrace.

"I haven't been able to for the past few months" Zhao Xue whined cutely.

"I'm sorry xue'er. it's because I'm not strong enough yet." with a wry smile Yue Chen stroked her hair gently.

Unbeknownst to the two, a pair of eyes were fixed onto the two from a distance, with much hate and envy.