Chapter Four - The Monthly Exam begins!

"Aiya..... I wonder how Xue'er is doing?" leaving his room Yue Chen looked around the courtyard cautiously.

"Father was summoned by the emperor there's no need to look for him," Yue Chen's adopted brother said while entering the courtyard at a steady pace.

"I see, I see, has he asked for me by any chance?" closing the door behind him Yue Chen straightened his back and patting his silky black hair.

Realizing his brother had finished his cultivation Gou Man immediately ordered the family servants to prepare a meal.

"No need, I'll grab something on the way" refusing his brother's kind gesture Yue Chen headed for the washroom. It had been two weeks since he had last left his room and as a result he smelled horrible. Taking his scent into account Yue Chen couldn't sit idly and quickly decided to shower.

After a quick shower Yue Chen wore his robes and left the Gou Family Courtyard at an unhurried pace. "I should probably visit the Old Man Feng" changing directions headed to Old Man Feng's house.

Arriving at Old Man Feng's house Yue Chen had unexpectedly encountered Bo Yang who stood from afar, silently watching Feng Qin as she watered the fire lilies in the garden. Everytime his face became as red as a tomato he would lower his head in embarrassment.

Looking at Bo Yang flustered Yue Chen couldn't resist letting out a light chuckle "If you don't fess up soon another man will" he teased.

"Y- Yue Chen!" with a startled shout Bo Yang jumped, his face turning red at Yue Chen's comment.

"Brother Yang you're too obvious" laughing lightly Yue Chen shook his head "as the next heir of the Imperial Dragon Knights you should be more confident!" patting Bo Yang's shoulder Yue Chen grinned.

"B-brother Yue" he stuttered "aren't you participating in the monthly exam?" Bo Yang quickly changed the subject.

" I just came to check in with the old man" leaving behind these words Yue Chen entered the house.

"Master Chen!" Old Man Feng greeted respectfully.

"I need a batch of Bone Chilling Frost herbs" handing a bag of gold to Old Man Feng, Yue Chen smiled coldly.


The monthly exams at Xuanhua Academy were always crowded and this month was no different. This was the time of the month where hidden dragons and crouching tigers would bare their fangs and show their might. For some students it was a chance to be seen by a higher class division or simply to test themselves or even settle past disputes.

Gathered in a gigantic arena spanning hundreds of kilometers were students who had taken the time to participate, some gathered in small groups discussing recent happenings and those who had silently isolated themselves from the rest. Standing among those restless participants was Li Yao, his eyes constantly moving left and right as if searching for someone, eventually his eyes rested on a young lady who was seated at the very end of the arena, her dazzling golden eyes looking down upon the masses from above, giving her an air of superiority. It was Zhao Xue. Glancing at him once Zhao Xue never once turned to look a him again, completely ignoring him.

Staring at the beauty with bitterness in his eyes his face briefly showed infatuation followed by sorrow then anger.

"It seems the dog ran away with its tail between it's legs" Li Yao snickered to himself.

"The monthly exam will now officially begin!" a steady voice boomed throughout the entire arena, causing the restless participants to immediately become still.

"Hm? it seems I'm just on time!" Yue Chen remarked, making his way to the crowd of participants slowly.

"That shadow, he's the cursed child of the Gou Family!"

"It's the cursed child!"

"I heard his misfortune is contagious!"

"Don't let him touch you!"

In mere seconds all the participants had fled to a safe distance, leaving a minute few who didn't seem to mind.

"Ha! you dared to show your face, I'll make you regret stepping foot into this arena" Li Yao mocked coldly.

"I'm looking forward to it"

"The first test of the month will be the aptitude test" A woman stood on an elevated platform and begun to explain the rules. "Inject a small amount of qi into the stone pillar before you, don't worry this will only take a second!"

As this was known by all the seniors of the Academy, the instructions given were mostly directed at new students that had been recruited within the past month.

Within a few minutes multiple participants had already visited the pillars with new ones replacing those that had returned to their original positions.

"Xiao You! Wind Element! Nascent realm lower sky!"

"He Qing! Holy Element! Nascent realm lower sky!"

"Ling Fan Wind! Element! Nascent Middle Sky!"

"Li Yao, Ice Element,Earth Element! Human Realm lower sky!"

After a few minutes Yue Chen was called too the pillar.

"I'll pass" Yue Chen shook his head solemnly.

"Are you backing out already?hahaha! i expected as much!" Li Yao said loudly, deliberately injecting qi into his voice, causing it to spread all around the arena.

Ignoring him Yue Chen smiled awkwardly at the woman standing on the platform "is it possible to skip this test?"

The woman shook her head in response "I'm sorry Mr.Chen but it is compulsory for all participants to take part in the first three tests"

Smiling wryly Yue Chen placed his hand against the erected stone pillar and injected his qi into it.

The inscriptions in the pillar quickly lit up with a bright blue light, emitting a biting cold energy.

"Yue Chen-.... what" before she could finish her announcement a weak tremor shook the arena, followed by an ear piercing noise.

"Student Chen!" the woman screamed, as she fell over in a panic.

Standing at the pillar Yue Chen's shadow warped and wriggled as if suffering from an excruciating pain, as it calmed down it climbed up his legs to his chest and then from his hand to the pillar. The completely normal pillar began to give off blinding red lights and cracks danced around the stone pillar like a spider web.


With a resounding noise the pillar collapsed and shattered, Yue Chen's shadow returning to it's original position, a dark red pattern glowing in its center.

"This.... this.....aaaaaaagh!" the woman who stood at the platform screamed with a pale face, her legs trembling from fright.

"Guards seal the gates" a thundering voice entered the ears of everyone present resounding for miles before coming to an end.

"The emperor is here!"