Chapter Six - We shan't live under the same sky!

Blood trickled from the frozen earth spikes embedded in his shoulder. Yue Chen's expression was ghastly. The moment Li Yao had summoned the earth spikes he had chosen to bear the brunt of the attack to end the fight as soon as possible. This was Yue Chen's only guaranteed method to ensure victory. Though the Concentrated Yin pills had cushioned the impact, withstanding the strike of a human realm wasn't an easy feat for a Nascent realm, especially since Yue Chen's qi wasn't very pure.

Staring at the emperor cautiously Yue Chen urged the remaining energy in his body while checking the damage to his body "I don't understand the emperor's intentions" he shook his head.

"There's no need to be cautious, I have come to give you a chance to remain in this city" with both his hands resting on his throne the emperor looked down on Yue Chen. "your body contains too many unknown forces, as such We cannot simply allow you to live, knowing you might be a potential thorn in Our empire. As an adopted member of the Gou Family however, We have decided to be lenient and shall spare your life under two conditions"

"May I know what the emperor requires of me?" standing in the arena Yue Chen's alertness didn't decrease in the slightest.

"Before all this emperor's subjects present, swear fealty to the crown and receive my spirit imprint, secondly all your possessions shall be confiscated by Us to confirm your intentions towards Our empire" the emperor ordered indifferently.

"Receiving your imprint? wouldn't I become a slave to the empire then? and confiscating to ensure safety? who would be stupid enough to believe your bullshit? I've been inside the empire since I was born. what harm could I possibly be?" snorting at the emperor's order Yue Chen saw through the facade of the emperor.

I've been in the empire for sixteen years and I'm a threat today!? This damn old geezer!To think nobility could be this vile and greedy!

A cold glint flashed across the emperor's eyes " you don't seem to understand your predicament, Yue Chen"

Immediately after the emperor spoke more than ten imperial guards surrounded Yue Chen, cutting off all possible escape routes. Gou PengRan who stood behind the emperor also came forward.

"Father" staring at Gou PengRan who had raised him all his life Yue Chen felt hesitant to act.

Blocking Yue Chen's escape Gou PengRan shook his head "don't call me that, it was my mistake raising you" a terrifying aura erupted from Gou PengRan's body, pressuring all the imperial guards present, making it hard to breathe. "if not for you this wouldn't have had to happen, leave and never return" moving aside he allowed Yue Chen to pass.

Grasping the chance to escape Yue Chen fled without looking back "thank you, Gou PengRan"

"Are you rebelling?" Emperor Zhao glared at Gou PengRan

"I wouldn't dare, besides my fealty to you emperor Zhao, I am also a father" Gou PengRan smiled lightly.

"Sever his arms and lock him away" Emperor Zhao ordered the imperial guards.

Gou PengRan didn't dare resist and allowed himself to be captured by the imperial guards.

Standing above his son Gou PengLi sighed "you have disappointed me"

Turning to his subordinates Gou PengLi commanded loudly "find and execute the cursed child!"

In a small abode a few kilometers from the arena.

Panting heavily Yue Chen entered Old Man Feng's room. After escaping for a long time without attending to his wounds blood had started gushing out of the holes in his shoulders and thigh.

"Young master Chen!" Old Man Feng hurriedly supported the bleeding Yue Chen and helped him to treat his wounds.

After hearing the situation from Yue Chen, Old Man Feng quickly became livid. "young master chen did anyone follow you here?"

"No" feeling a lot better Yue Chen shook his head.

"Get out" Old Man Feng whispered.


"Get out!" with a scared look Old Man Feng shouted " I'm only a poor old man who can barely take care of his daughter, I am grateful for your help in the past few years master Chen but I won't die because of a cursed child, please leave"

With a dark expression Yue Chen left the house "I understand" clenching his fists he left silently.

"Father, why?" Feng Qin who had seen the entire scene was depressed and dissatisfied with her father's actions.

Rushing to the city wall Yue Chen's heart was heavy. "The city gates are most likely heavily guarded, I'll have to get over the wall"

The city wall was as thick as a man's arm and shot up into the sky for hundreds of meters. Even twenty Yue Chens wouldn't be enough to climb the wall.

"Brother Chen!" chasing behind Yue Chen was a worried Bo Yang who quickly caught up to Yue Chen. "I heard it all from Qin'er"


Noticing Yue Chen's aversion to the topic Bo Yang didn't continue.

"I'll help you over the wall" Bo Yang said while stopping behind Yue Chen. "Stay safe brother Chen"

Without much contemplating Yue Chen quickly agreed. This way he could stay under the radar as he wouldn't have to use his own qi, that contained ice element, alerting the imperial guards.

Swirls of wind gathered beneath Yue Chen's feet and he felt his body become lighter than a feather, with a single leap he had already arrived at the top of the city wall. Before he could rejoice a burning energy entered his body and pierced his chest, almost forcing him over the edge. Looking down at Bo Yang, Yue Chen's heart dropped. Protruding from Bo Yang's chest directly above his heart was a bolt of light.

Looking up at Yue Chen Bo Yang smiled and silently mouthed a few words.

Standing behind Bo Yang were two figures Yue Chen knew too well. Zhao Yali and Li Yao.

"BO YAAAAAANG!" with red eyes Yue Chen was ready to throw his life away to fight those two to the death.

Bo Yang shook his head weakly, signalling Yue Chen not to act recklessly , collapsing lifelessly blood poured from his chest.

"Zhao Yali! Li Yao! We shan't live under the same sky!" with red eyes Yue Chen leapt over the city walls and into the forest.