Chapter Sixteen - You Dare!?

Yue Chen sighed in response and asked "What do you want?"

"Kneel before my father and apologize for your ignorance" an evil grin spread across her face as she spoke.

Yue Chen immediately grew angry at her request "Aren't you going a bit too far?"

"Who is to say what is too far and what isn't? I have what you want, this is what I require in exchange. my satisfaction in return for a chance at a new start, fair isn't it?" The Young woman smirked and folded her arms beneath her breasts, waiting patiently while looking at Yue Chen in anticipation.

"Haven't you heard there are gold beneath a mans knees? I would have nowhere to hold my head high if I threw my pride for power!" Yue Chen felt his blood boil in anger as he shouted.

"Oh? then would you make up your mind if I told you your family is looking for you? The child they risked their all for, the very cause of the impending doom of the Bai family!" the woman said with a crafty smile.

"What...are you saying?" Yue Chen subconsciously retreated, with a complex expression.

"You were supposed to die 18 years ago on the bed you were born the moment you had been branded a cursed child. In order to protect a cursed child the head of the Bai family fought the other 5 Great Nations of the West and perished in the process. The Mother and Father of the cursed child fled from the western seas with the cursed child seeking refuge for the newborn. Two years later the couple returned to the empire without the child, supposedly he was either dead or they had successfully found someone willing to raise a sinner. Our intelligence network forms a web that encompasses the Southern Nations. Finding you was easy and observing you from the shadows took even less effort. Your Bai family suffers constantly from the assault of neighboring empires and families and it's all your fault" the woman seemed contented with her self and glanced at Yue Chen's expression, seemingly gaining comfort in his pain.


The weak minded Yue Chen collapsed instantly, his hands shook as he clenched his fist.

"Now kneel before my father and beg his forgiveness" with a condescending laugh the woman stood before Yue Chen. His plight was now her pleasure.

Thinking his daughter had pushed the young man too far the elderly man stepped forward and helped Yue Chen up. "Xie Die that's enough" he reprimanded.

"But father.." Xie Die looked at her father with a reluctant gaze.

"Young Man. While I am willing to help you overcome your crisis my All Seeing Pavilion has a policy it lives by. Nothing we do is for free and what is done for free is for a purpose. with this policy in mind I will offer you a chance : join my All Seeing Pavilion and I will have my daughter Xie Die give you a treatment method soon.

"....." Yue Chen stood listlessly. "Am I destined to face tragedies and bear misfortune with my every step? If so why did they let me live? why didn't they kill me!?"

"Young Man.... beating yourself up will do you no good to fight adversity one needs power and will of an equal strength" the elderly man said and took out a card much like the one Xie Die had given him, only this one was sky blue in colour. "Take this..come back here tommorow if decide to join my Pavilion. You may need some time to think it over. Go home and get some rest"

"No I'll go" Yue Chen received the card and glared at Xie Die. I will make you regret being born just you wait, Xie Die.

Xie Die who had retreated to the side suddenly felt a chill run down her spine but couldn't find the source of the ominous feeling.

The elderly man nodded and said "Is there anything you wish to retrieve from the place you were living? You may have a day to sort out your personal affairs if you would like. We aren't in a hurry to return anyways. We still have a few days if need be"

Yue Chen shook his head passively "there's nothing worth going back there for" even though he said this Yue Chen couldn't help but think about the expressions of the Jia mother daughter pair and the little loli that he had warmed up to and how depressed they would be once they found out he had left without saying goodbye. Yue Chen's expression suddenly became downcast.

"It is good to be full of pride and have a strong will but without power to back you, it's pointless. Why don't you return home for today?"

"Im ready to leave" Yue Chen shook his head, rejecting the elderly man's offer.

"I see" the elderly man nodded once more and left the hall. "come on, don't just stand there"

"Yes" Yue Chen followed after the old man at a natural pace being only a few steps behind.

As they left the Phoenix inn Yue Chen came upon the white caravan he had seen a few days ago once more. It would be his first time in a caravan.

After ensuring the Old master had entered the caravan the servant in charge issued a command to the demon beasts and the caravan came to life with a gentle sway.

Sitting across from the two Yue Chen was fixated on Xie Die his cold gaze never leaving her for a second.

Feeling Yue Chen's murderous intent the elderly man sighed "Young Man let bygones be bygones, clinging to negative emotions like hate will corrupt your soul and limit your potential"

"Hate is what drives my vessel, there is nothing in me left to corrupt. The darkness in my heart has long become invulnerable" Yue Chen raised his head to meet the old man's gaze. His tone had become abnormally domineering and his confidence seemed infinite. There was a raging negative emotion in him that seeped out every pore of his body.

Looking into Yue Chen's eyes an unspeakable darkness overwhelmed the elderly man causing him to break out in cold sweat.

"You dare peer into my soul? Courting death!" a thundering voice boomed in the elderly man's head, causing him to cough blood.

"F-father?" a freightened Xie Die leaned over to see her father coughing blood. "what did that bastard do to you?"

The elderly man raised his hand, signaling Xie Die to calm down. "He did nothing, I sought my own injury"

"But father....Yue Chen! should anything happen to my father-"

"Silence!" the elderly man hurriedly reprimanded his daughter before taking one last glance at Yue Chen and thought "i see.... you're....."

Yue Chen who was dazed at his own actions but didn't feel any guilt or regret for what had happened to the elderly man. He felt it was well deserved.