Chapter Twenty Five - Hide if you can!

Bai Chen threw down the corpse before the duo as tears came to his eyes. "Eat or you'll die"

The two looked at each other then at Bai Chen their hunger was at a new high and dying was a scary unknown they didn't want to witness. The blonde kid stepped forward first and bit into the small hand and blood flowed through the corners of his lip the urge to vomit was compelling but ultimately his hunger prevailed. Without fear of indigestion all three children dug into the corpse of the dead child and tore away at his flesh ravenously.

The little girl couldn't take it and was ready to throw up but Bai Chen covered her mouth timely "swallow, I won't let you die"

"Omf.." Dai Dai let out a muffled cry and swallowed the flesh and blood.

Bai Chen wasn't any better. The pieces he had swallowed along with the metallic tasting blood refused to stay down so all he could do was clench jaws shut and swallow anything that came up. Though their means weren't exactly sightly Bai Chen, Dai Dai and Luo remained fed for the night.

4 months later

Bishop Van stepped into the room unaffected by the stench of blood and the sight of scattered intestines and rotten flesh. "There are thirty two candidates here gather around"

Vicious stares landed on Bishop Van from every direction, predatory killing intent emanated from everyone present. Suddenly a petite figure rushed forward with a shard of glass gripped between her fingers and arrived before Bishop Van before the hit could land the petite figure's head was sent flying into the air in a bloody mess.

With a fixed smile Bishop Van repeated "Gather around"

After the first attempt everyone lost the courage launch an attack and obediently grouped together.

"For the past 800 years the saints have oppressed the demons of the mainland and kept the continent under safe ruling. In order to maintain the peace of our beloved world and keep everyone safe the church had no choice but to carry out a search for potential reincarnation monarchs such as yourselves. In order to begin we were first required to purge the demons amongst the children that were brought here. You are too young to understand our plight yet I ask for your forgiveness" Bishop Van knitted his brows and frowned.

"Liar my sister was never a demon! you monster!" a stout child embraced a half eaten corpse with tears in his eyes "You liar!"

"Silence demon!" Bishop Van shouted and a strand of qi shot in between the stouts boy brow from Bishop Van's palm.

The stout boy's body shuddered and foamed before he fell down.

"It seems there was still a demon amongst us hiding in the guise of a child" a cracked smiled formed on Bishop Van's face.

No one else refuted and Bishop Van led the group of thirty to the door and chanted an obscure spell. After a few minutes the spell that prevented the children from leaving was replaced with a transfer circle.

Brainwashed by the church the thirty children spent the next five years mastering various arts of war and deception. They were then branded with digits in correspondence to their ranks.


Two silhouettes sat at the top of a remote building while basking in the sun.

"Chen'er" let's run away" Dai Dai stroked Yue Chen's face gently and bit her lower lip

"Running from Bishop Van? not a chance" Bai Chen flicked her forhead and scoffed. Even if he wanted to run away there was his family that was still receiving treatment at one of the church's facility.

"Running away without me? I don't believe you guys are so cruel!" Luo appeared behind the two with a teasing tone.

"I'm assuming everything went well?" Bai Chen glanced at Luo briefly and turned away after seeing he was unscathed.

"More or less the center is too heavily guarded getting in was hard and getting out was twice the pain" Luo shrugged with a pained look.

"Can you describe what you saw on the inside?" Bai Chen raised a brow in curiousity



"huff" Yue Chen gasped for air and breathed out heavily and leaned against the bed. His head was flooded with a mixture of memories of two separate lives and was struggling to sort them correctly. After a long time Yue Chen sat crossed legged and started to cultivate. Wisps of black qi flickered in the air and spun around Yue Chen before entering his body.

The following morning

Yue Chen's eyes bolted open but were forced shut by the glaring sun that burned his eyes. The dark qi around his body had become a lot denser as compared to before.

Yue Chen stood up absentmindedly with his fingers drawing circles around his ring finger. Making up his mind Yue Chen left the Phoenix Carving Inn in strides.

Arriving outside the inn Yue Chen headed to the north of the city. Before long he arrived at the city borders where the ships were docked and begun to inquire about the Western Sea. Upon hearing the name Western Sea most of the sailors became frightened and turned away, refusing to travel there. Just as Yue Chen was about to give up someone called out to him from behind "hey mister are you heading to the Western Sea?"

It was a little girl that was dressed in weird clothing as if she was cosplaying a pirate. She was an entire head shorter than Yue Chen so she had to look up while speaking.

"What does that have to do with you?" Yue Chen lifted a brow while thinking maybe this kid must have gotten separated from her parents.

"I'm 17 in two weeks thank you!" the little girl puffed out her chest and pushed out her neck like a peacock.

"Are you reading my mind?" Yue Chen asked in amazement after listening to the little girl's words.

"Yes its an innate skill i was born with" the girl nodded and continued " do you want me to help you get to the the Western Sea?"

Just as Yue Chen was about to respond the little girl continued "I know what your thinking, what's in it for me if I help you out right? I'm also headed to the Western Sea but once we get there I want you to do me a favor in return"

Yue Chen didn't find anything wrong with the offer and immediately accepted.

"Should the ship encounter dangers you are also required to help out okay?"


"Return tommorow morning for departure I still have things to prepare, you should do the same"

Since there was nothing to prepare Yue Chen decided to loiter around the city until it was time to check into the inn. While looking for ships Yue Chen had come across a store that piqued his interest so he decided to take a look. Before he could near the store Yue Chen felt a familiar force lock onto his body from a distance and immediately moved towards the source. As he grew closer to the direction of the force Yue Chen realized it was slowly fading and quickly located an escaping silhouette. Knowing he was unable to keep up with the fleeing figure Yue Chen released an ink like substance from his finger which attached itself to the escaping figure. A sinister look appeared on Yue Chen's face . Spying on this Lord? Seeking Death! Run as fast as you can, even the heavens cannot stop me from seeking you out!

Hide if you can!